Date: 3\15\09
Provider: Abby and Tori (sisters with Semi-proxx)
City/State: San Antonio, Tx
Area / Address: NW San Antonio
Phone or Pager: Check Website
Email Address: Check Website
URL / Website:
Appointment Type: In-call
Provider Category: Independent
Activities: Double BNG (BBBJ); Convo/pillow talk
Session Length Scheduled: .5 hr
Fee: $.3
Total Paid: $.3
Was Tipping or Upselling an issue?: No
Was the Description you were given accurate?: Yes
Hair Color and Length: dark brown ; dark brown
Age: 30; 25
Race: White/Caucasian; Hispanic
Perfume/Fragrance: Perfume - light
Smoking Status: Could not tell either way
Where did you hear about this provider: Provider Ad
Provider`s Body: Average, but attractive
What was the Provider's Attitude like?: Hi boy, lets have some fun!
Comments: Very satisfied
Would you recommend this Provider to others?: Yes