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Thread: Clinics in SA

  1. #1
    Verified Hobbyist BCD doglegg's Avatar
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    Near San Antonio, TX
    Ok, so a while back I was with a young lady, good reputation, excellant reviews on the board having a great time working towards 'oh Funny feeling' condom breaks 'holy shit that feels good' BAM!!!

    Yep unintentional BBFS. I don't know about her but scared the mess out of me when I realzed what had happened.

    Yes, I know. BS! BS! BS!

    However, you're workng towards the funny feelng then all of a sudden "that shit feels GOOD" and bam there it goes.

    Didn't have to worry about the SO cause it wasn't happening at home.

    So a couple of months later. Same provider. stuff feels too good, stop. Condom has broken, put another condom on and go to town. Starts feeling like downtown with Judy Brown. Did I say the shit was tight? In my case too tight, same girl three pop-thrus. She was really excellent, no drama, just the clean-up " 'Feces Occurs'.

    So after a few months, SO gets a clue and wants to engage in relations again.

    Not having a medical background, but only knowing horror stories of STDs and remembering the old man saying 'Don't bring anything home you didn't leave with....' I have to ask, not having had any 'normal' symptoms, what tests can be done to ensure an innocent party doesn't suffer my indiscretions?

    Is there a 'discretionary' clinic that performs such tests in SA?
    Opinions and Assholes. Sometimes it's difficult to tell the difference - especially when you can't separate the two.

  2. #2
    Administrator ck1942's Avatar
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    Sorry for the issues. And bravo for your courage in posting the issues here.

    Several clinics can assist... perhaps even with some degree of anonymity if you are paying cash.

    You should check with the several the Planned Parenthood units and also the county health department.

    LINK! oh2 current situation report

    In these trying times, your patience and support are greatly appreciated. Stay safe out there!

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  3. #3
    Verified Hobbyist BCD GneissGuy's Avatar
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    In Austin, Planned Parenthood requires a name, but doesn&#39;t check ID if you pay cash. $100 or so for the most common tests. Give them your hobby cell phone number.

    They might ask for ID if your tests come out positive, but that&#39;s never happened to me, so I&#39;m not sure. There&#39;s probably a reporting requirement if you test positive.

    Remember, even if you&#39;ve been infected, you may not test positive for a while after the exposure. Ask the people at the clinic for details. Even if your accidental BB partner tests negative, she could have been infected recently and not test positive yet. Each test has its own delays. Get tested again 6 months after the exposure.
    Be Gneiss Gnow...

  4. #4
    Verified Hobbyist BCD doglegg's Avatar
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    The initial was about 9 months ago and most recent was 7 months ago.

    Besides the &#39;normal&#39; gamut, I&#39;m also worried about HPV as I understand it is not detected on males with normal tests, again heresay, and light topical reading.

    Having read Brittany&#39; litany on another board before demise, it really did seem like there was more than a five gallon bucket of things to go wrong and appear to be much more detrimental to the female.

    So. Guess I&#39;ll need to jaunt to Austin, does PP do a full range of checks, or does that need to be requested?
    Opinions and Assholes. Sometimes it's difficult to tell the difference - especially when you can't separate the two.

  5. #5
    Registered Male (Not Verified)
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    Jan 2010
    There are plenty of anonymous STD clinics in SA. Search engine is your friend. You may also want to change brands of condums, if you are blowing them out that frequently!

  6. #6
    Guide Chihuahua on hiatus (retired)
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    While the reply above is appreciated for the well-intentioned info, let's please not bump outdated topics that haven't seen activity since 2010! Thanks. -- FIH/staff

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