Austin's Hump Day Meet & Greets Return!
Wednesday, June 9th

4 p.m. to 7 p.m. (maybe even a bit later)

Reservations are required! Invitations will be mailed shortly.

Due to RW conditions restricting venue occupancy, only a limited number of established companions and well vouched and active and re-vouched hobbyists can attend. Courtesy, of course, is given to previous guests who have maintained their current vouches.

Dress is casual! Spring colors, for sure!

Masking rules are relaxed but not gone quite yet.

No cover charge!

"Dutch Treat" meaning everyone pays for his/her own food and drink.

Under 21 invitees are very welcome to attend, but must respect alcohol rules, of course.

Be early; meet the people who must leave soon to "get home on time."

No cover charge! Pay as you go or start a tab.

Basic invite rules

Attendance is by ck1942's invitation only.

If you did not receive your invite, please remind me to send you one. Even if you have been on previous guest list, a current invite is mandatory.

No illegal activities or illegal hobby chatter.

All events are only a "meet & greet."

No illegal activities. That means no play for pay, no drugs, absolutely nothing that can compromise the security of our members, guests and our host venue.

Please respect all attending by no inappropriate touching.

If you don't understand the rules, please ask ck1942 to explain.

For the security of all involved - no cameras;

no uninvited nor un-sponsored guests (check with ck1942)

Vouching for this event closes at 5 pm Monday, June 7th.

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-- current event rules --

-- zero hobby talk at the venue
-- only approved guests are invited
-- always carry your state issued ID, just in case.
-- please respect venue masking rules (you stand, you mask)
-- no outing of any one's attendance except your own
-- no outing our venues, please
-- no "pass along" invites -- everyone needs clearance from ck1942
-- the event starts at 3:30 pm and ends at 6:30 pm unless extended
-- guests are expected to spend at least 30-45 minutes attending
-- if you pledge to attend, please do; if not, let the host know as early as possible to free up a space for someone on the "stand by" list
-- be generous please in tipping the wait staff