i believe both porn and OF does have an effect but i would agree that OF probably has a bigger effect. Even tho we all know the porn is fake and bad acting 100% of the time. The expectation and behavior we see may consciously or unconsciously carry over like how woman all have fetishes or they are all submissive also just how we do things BCD. Porn made fetishes seem like a common things in the bedroom and therefore providers do feel like there must explore and offer more things. (at least thats what i think happens) But i dont mean that it changes things overnight. Its just something that carries over and evolve the industry over a period of time.

OF exacerbates that because its a more personal level of porn i believe. Woman say things and do things on there to make sales and sometimes it goes over the guys head and thinking that is normal. (i.e. they post video of them squirt after 2 minutes of playing and says things like just thinking of your dick makes me squirt and all wet). However fake it is, men subscribe to OF to get a more personal level of porn and things like that make them think eventually that is how she will be like when they are with you and that thought carries over to what they expect and want to happen when they see a provider. We may not always realize its but the subconscious does control alot of how you think and the way you think. When you watch and see something enough times, it gets into your head and logical thinking gets thrown out.