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Thread: LeLe Gipson

  1. #1
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Greyghost's Avatar
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    LeLe Gipson

    Just noticed she has a visiting ad for the coast area later this month. She has 2 reviews on this site in Dallas and a post that has some interesting photos. Just wish I was on the coast to take the adventure.

  2. #2
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Basscat's Avatar
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    Grey I dont see any add for her. Can you post a link. I might be interested.

  3. #3
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
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    Lets see the ad. Interested as well.

  4. #4
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Basscat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LuckySeven1 View Post
    Lets see the ad. Interested as well.

    Her add showed up today and she is smoking hot but to rich for my blood. If she had a half for 2 I would probably go in but 4 bills is more than my momma lets me spend even on such a fine beauty. So tell me Gray how did you know two days before her add popped up that she was going to be here? You either have a inside line on her or you have some kick ass physic skills. If its the latter can you please pm me the power ball numbers so I can afford a beauty like her? God knows I would truly appreciate it. Its a scientific fact that men who spend time naked with a woman as beautiful as LeLe live longer and have much happier lives.

  5. #5
    Registered Male (Not Verified) Biloxi Earl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Basscat View Post
    Her add showed up today and she is smoking hot but to rich for my blood. If she had a half for 2 I would probably go in but 4 bills is more than my momma lets me spend even on such a fine beauty. So tell me Gray how did you know two days before her add popped up that she was going to be here? You either have a inside line on her or you have some kick ass physic skills. If its the latter can you please pm me the power ball numbers so I can afford a beauty like her? God knows I would truly appreciate it. Its a scientific fact that men who spend time naked with a woman as beautiful as LeLe live longer and have much happier lives.
    I'm "almost" tempted to take the plunge. Just so happens she is arriving just in time for my birthday. Can't think of a better present for myself, LOL! I'll post a review, "if" I see her.

  6. #6
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Basscat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Biloxi Earl View Post
    I'm "almost" tempted to take the plunge. Just so happens she is arriving just in time for my birthday. Can't think of a better present for myself, LOL! I'll post a review, "if" I see her.
    I cant think of anything I would like more for my birthday than an hour with her myself. Actually I would be ok with 15 minutes as fine as she is I could likely finish twice in that amount of time. She really is a looker.

  7. #7
    Registered Male (Not Verified) Biloxi Earl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Basscat View Post
    I cant think of anything I would like more for my birthday than an hour with her myself. Actually I would be ok with 15 minutes as fine as she is I could likely finish twice in that amount of time. She really is a looker.
    There was a girl I used to see when I lived in Florida that had even maybe a little bit better body than LeLe, and was only $250/hr. She was so great that I'd even consider making the 8-hour trip from here to see her, except now she's moved on to Phoenix. Oh what the hell, my birthday is approaching and I can't think of anything better to get myself with that $20 bill I know grandma is sending, LOL. I pm'd her asking for an appointment. We'll see how it turns out.

  8. #8
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
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    I had a weak moment and wrote her to ask if she would consider a side trip to Jackson while in Mississippi. She actually took the time to reply but told me she didn't have plans to come here. Story of my life.

  9. #9
    Registered Male (Not Verified) Biloxi Earl's Avatar
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    LeLe Gipson

    Quote Originally Posted by Biloxi Earl View Post
    There was a girl I used to see when I lived in Florida that had even maybe a little bit better body than LeLe, and was only $250/hr. She was so great that I'd even consider making the 8-hour trip from here to see her, except now she's moved on to Phoenix. Oh what the hell, my birthday is approaching and I can't think of anything better to get myself with that $20 bill I know grandma is sending, LOL. I pm'd her asking for an appointment. We'll see how it turns out.
    I got approved, and saw her today. My review is posted here:

    Can't post photos with the review I guess, but there is a link to her original ad, a separate link to additional photos, and the morsel below, LOL!

    Last edited by Biloxi Earl; 04-30-2021 at 06:54 PM. Reason: spelling error

  10. #10
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Basscat's Avatar
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    There is no rule against posting pics or videos in reviews here. You can even post them in coed. You can post nudes or action shots both stills and video. OH2 is the most friendly hobby site in the history of the internet. When it comes to making the hobby easier and more safe there is nothing that even comes close to OH2. All the other hobby boards especially eccie pale in comparison to the usefulness of this site. In all honesty Eccie shouldn't even be used in the same sentence as this site as its not even remotely as useful as this place is. Eccie actively prohibits nearly ever single action that could make hobbying easier and more safe. This place actively promotes all the things that eccie expressly prohibits that make hobbying easier and more safe. I have no idea how so many people especially ******s still use that useless board.

    If everyone who uses eccie simply switched over to oh2 the hobby community in ms al tn and fl would flourish again like it did in its heyday when aspd was the de facto hobby board powerhouse. I wish everyone would tell all the people the know in the hobby about this place so we all could just delete eccie from our bookmarks and leave that cesspool behind for good.

    You might just need to study up on how to leave pics. Its really easy once you learn how its done







    And last but not least in honor of the Derby this weekend here is a ho in a hat. Or a cat in a hat if you want to dr seuss it. Just think if I had posted this on eccie I would have received a thirty year ban and possibly the death penalty. But I guess its worth it since we get to browse all the ladies ads showing what city they are visiting their rates and all their contact info.... Oh hold on that's all against the rules at eccie also. So why do people actually go there? I wish someone could explain it to me
    [IMG]sawmill brunch buffet price[/IMG]

  11. #11
    Verified Hobbyist BCD guitar's Avatar
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    Sawmill Brunch???? LOL!!!!!!!!!

  12. #12
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Basscat's Avatar
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    I have no control over what ads show up on the pictures I post since I use a free hosting site that allows nudes. If you remember before you post you can edit the links out but I always forget. Its a free site called I have noticed there are some strange links sometimes but its free so I can live with it.

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