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Thread: Georgia Asian Spa Shootings

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    Georgia Asian Spa Shootings

    My thread was closed for some reason, despite being a discussion about AMPs. Maybe it fits better here?

    The Media has seized on this incident to further a talking agenda about hate crimes, but.. There is zero reason to believe it is about hate, other than the idea that Murder can never be described as a love crime. The media people keep emphasizing ''Asian WOMEN'', yet none ever describe the crime as sexist. Race is a better sell. I take the crazed killer at his word, he wanted to snuff out what he considered to be the source of his problems, namely the spas he felt furthered his sex addiction. Why can't we simply label something as crazy, and hard to explain? Because it can't be tied in a neat bow, with a conclusion. We don't like not knowing why lunatics do as they do, yet we as a Society do our best to ignore the crazies until they make us pay attention.

    8 people were shot last night, at Pryme Nightclub in Dallas. Same number as shot in Georgia. No Race angle, so barely a blip on the news media radar.

    Interesting discussion with a Co-worker, at work today. Started off talking about Police reactions with different ethnicities, when she brought up the Georgia Killer, as looking like a White Supremacist. She said she didn't understand why anyone was mentioning his sex addiction in relation to a hate crime. She asked me if there was any type of sex play at the Atlanta massage Parlors? I told her ''well, yeah, sort of''. She was truly shocked, taken aback, even embarrassed. ''I had no idea''!, she exclaimed. I think she felt so embarrased at not knowing, she didn't bother asking me how I knew, LOL

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    By the way, this afternoon Law Enforcement Investigators determined this was NOT a hate crime. Finally some sanity about the root cause. But the Cable News folks got to splash their ''Asian Hate'' shows all over this morning, before the official findings were released. The narrative won't go away, because like BigCousin's (eng, vadc, et al) post about Atlanta shutting down spas in the aftermath, why let truth get in the way of a false agenda?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    The ironies just pile up. The Media went on and on, that the murders were hate crimes against Asians, yet the Officer who gave the Press Briefing had posted photos of himself wearing a shirt implicating the Chinese for Covid.. and had casually said the Murderer ''had a bad day''. Then we learn today, that a Mexican guy, at one of the Spas getting his and her massages with his White wife, was arrested and detained for 4 hours, immediately after the murders inside, only learning hours after his ''detainment'' that his non-Asian wife was one of the murdered. The script suddenly changes to the racism and iniptitude of Police.

  4. #4
    Verified Hobbyist BCD pmdelites's Avatar
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    Dallas, TX
    imho, all murders are hate crimes in that the killer hates something so much about the murdered person that they decided to kill the person or cause them to be killed.

    it is pure lack of respect for human life - period.

    it's too engrained in our vocabulary to begin using a different term, but i think it incorrectly labels the crime.

    in this case, i'm guessing he hated something about the amps/women so much that he went and deliberately shot them and the two others in there.
    i wonder how they would have labeled it if it had occurred at one of the Nevada brothels (where i'm guessing more of the women are Anglo/ white)? did they call the boulder king sooper shootings, the elementary school shootings, the Las Vegas shootings, the Boston marathon bombing, the Atlanta Olympics shootings "hate crimes" ??
    btw wrt "For Everyone Who Thinks That Life is Just a Game, Do You Like the Part You're Playing?",
    yes ! it's just that we don't know all the rules, but we do know it will end for each of us.
    it's always afternoon!!

    have fun out there.

    dont let the negatives get you down.

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