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Thread: COVID 19 Vaccine. .. How many have gotten it already or are planning to get

  1. #31
    Verified Hobbyist BCD SpursFan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sonya Playmate View Post
    Yes, fuck it! After a few months fly by I do plan on getting the vaccine �� ��
    I am boosting my immune system with yoga, walking, fruits, etc..��

    -Sonya ♥️

    Don’t forget plenty of natural protein. Yeshhhh!

    woo hoo!

    To all the virgins out there "thanks for nothing."

    The four food groups as penned by per sir FootLong: DFK, DATY, BBBJ, CFS.

    P411 certified

  2. #32
    Verified Companion Companion Sonya Playmate's Avatar
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    @ SpursFan, How could I forget all the yummy protein?!?! Hehe ��
    Just fucking awesome! ��

    -Sonya <3
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  3. #33
    Verified Companion Companion Sonya Playmate's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Just got the 1st Dose COVID-19 vaccine :)

    Love, ❤️��❤️
    💋Sonya Playmate Schedule💋
    June: Mon to Fri 9am-5pm, Sat-1pm-6pm
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  4. #34
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
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    Got mine also. Would love to share some protein with

  5. #35
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
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    I’ve received both of my a Healthcare worker it was the smart thing to do...also I did not have any side effects at all...
    My apologies but I don’t see providers who don’t see AA!!!

  6. #36
    Verified Hobbyist BCD mathguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dynextv View Post
    I honestly don't know if we'll ever get above 50%
    A lot of people out there refuse to get the vaccine, ranging from general anti-vax movements, to distrust of government, to believing that COVID is a hoax.
    Maybe. That could be true (about the threshold you mentioned). However, we don't really need it above 50%, much less the 70% you hear all the time. The typical news or social media outlet 'company line' that we need minimum of 70+% for herd immunity is, once again, like most things today , terribly inaccurate, and quite alarmist due to the grandiosity of the claim, along with absence of understanding available studies on the topic that are in direct conflict.

    First off let's start with this very simple fact which I have image capped and also CDC linked for everyone: we have no idea what the herd immunity threshold is for SARS-COV-2 [1 - CDC ref link]

    Many experts also now believe cross immunity is and has been taking place for some time with vast numbers of people's exposure to other, earlier, COVs (coronaviruses):

    Dr. Karl Friston - One of the world's pre-eminent statisticians.
    Dr. Sunetra Gupta - An Oxford professor for 30+ years and world renowned mathematical epidemiologist.
    Dr. John Ioannidis - Regarded as one of the most influential scientists of the 20th/21 century, particularly for his seminal paper on the bad data coming out of various scientific studies, raising the bar for all sciences/studies. He is a epidemiologist an statistical biologist at Stanford.
    Dr. Michael Levitt - 2013 Nobel prize winner in chemistry.

    The scientists above have been staunch skeptics of the lockdowns and the "relative" danger. No, no no..... they do NOT think it's some frigging absurd "hoax" or any nonsense like that. Neither do I. They, myself, and thousands of other scientists who has largely been quieted by a "far too bleeding heart liberal media" (even for my liberal blood) has panicked people and has overblown it into something that it simple is not (even if, yes, some bad things happen to some good people - that happens every day with cancer too you know, and a host of other issues that kill 60MN people per year globally).

    However, more than that, they, and particularly Dr. Gupta, whom has data, as well as many other scientists, indicating many humans have a "cross immunity" which is derived from our exposure to endemic coronaviruses which have exists for decades. This is a MAJOR reason that the traditional numbers for some other types of viruses that would be needed for "herd immunity" are likely not needed for SARS-COV-2.

    Below is a link to a BMJ article and study links. The BMJ is the oldest medical journal in the world, The British Medical Journal:
    Covid-19: Do people already have pre-existing immunity?

    Here is an image excerpt with highlights showing how seroprevalence data, just as the scientists above have been researching, is indicating that many human are already immune (likely why we see so so many asymptomatic cases too):

    NCBI Study Data Image Excerpt Discussing T-Cell Cross-Reactivity Among the 7 Known Human Coronaviruses:

    I could keep going and going with tons of data but I have to stop somewhere and I've spent enough time for the moment. What I'm really trying to impress here is that first of all we still have no idea what an immunity threshold might look like for SARS and furthermore there is very promising data to suggest that hundreds of millions of people potentially are already immune or partially immune (i.e. the reason for "weakened symptoms"). The vaccine will help. It certainly will. However, a vaccine is a virus. It's nothing more than a modified form of the virus meant to cause less (or hopefully zero) symptoms and trick the immune system into activity such that the immunoglobulins you create will have a binding protein structure that matches the same "in the wild" virus.

    Oh, and the other point of this is not to tell anyone COVID isn't real. Even to my detractors (of which I know there are a few) I have never ever wanted to purport that SARS-COV-2 (the virus) or COVID-19 (the resulting sickness if get symptomatic) are not real. I have said that many times. It IS real. Of course it is. None of the other scientists on my side believe such nonsense either. The problem is that the "solutions", the reaction, the media, the panic, and the way this entire thing unfolded, is way way overblown "relatively speaking". The entire issue with death counts, excess deaths, the idea that US is somehow so bad off relative to other countries, etc... Those ARE all ridiculous issues. We do not have that many excess deaths and many of the ones that do exist are things like suicide & drug overdose a result of economic poverty & shutdown (CDC/WHO reports something like a record 81,000 additional drug overdose deaths for example). The other problem is that virtually ANY death that happens, whether *caused by* COVID, or just *occurring along side* COVID but ultimately dying from other ailments, ends up getting catalogued (in the US anyway) as a "death in the COVID column". That's a huge problem. We are even still do this today. Still. It's insane. It's not any wonder that the numbers in the US are so high. No other country is doing this anymore. Only the US.

    I'm in good company with those ideas too. Nobel laureates, award winning seminal study authors, Oxford and Stanford professors, top mathematical epidemiologists, and on and on. In fact, the list is SO long that I literally couldn't post all the names without creating at least 4 or 5 separate posts, even if they were just names & nothing else. Nope, I'm not joking or exaggerating; the list is literally that long of supporters about this being overblown. If you truly want it then I will post one but it will be multiple posts, I'm not joking just to fit the names).

    Just take some time to think on this please people. Read the data. This isn't about politics, conspiracy theories, nonsense ideas, wild conjecture, panic hypothesis, etc...

    It's based on critical thinking, analysis of data and unbiased review of studies, postulating on the most likely causes, and simply being level headed about what is really going on in the world. You turn on the news you would think the zombie apocalypse has hit. Yet go down the park, don't wear a mask, or watch how many don't, or go to the store, and tell me how many people do you actually see coughing? Sick? I mean really. Come on. All you have to do is look around and use empirical and anecdotal observation to realize that the "enormous" panic is too much. It's overblown. And certainly the cost to our children's mental health, physical health, socializing, learning, socio-economic status (some going hungry or can't buy clothes for winter or summer or family living under a bridge now), is NOT a good thing.

    Let's do a little though experiment here and present a dilemma just for kicks ok?
    Ok, so let's say even if it were true that a certain number of "grandpa/grandma" were going to die, more than is considered tolerable, however it's already that low so that baffles me too , but whatever, even IF it were, don't you think the lesser of two evils is pretty obvious??
    Children or 85yr olds with an average of 1-2 concomitant complications? Hrmmm. Let's see. What's fucked up too is it's not even like that anyway.

    This country has approximately 100,000 deaths per year from nosocomial infections. That means people who go to a hospital for whatever reason and they aren't even sick with an infection but they acquire an infection in the hospital and then they die. That's a CDC stat. Look it up. These are called nosocomial infections or HAI (hospital acquired infections). Folks, come on. ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND. Per year! That's how many people die in the US all BECAUSE they went to the hospital and then got an infection. Yet, no one talks about the tragedy of all these absurd deaths that happened for absolutely no reason - the person wasn't sick at all. That means in a decade 1 MILLION people in the US will die b/c they walked into a hospital for some reason. The news doesn't say one word about preventing those deaths. Not one word. Sheesh.

    Get the vaccine. If it makes you feel safe by all means do it. I don't care if it's a sugar pill as long as it doesn't hurt you badly I want anyone who wants it to get it. It will make people think they have a magic medicine and will go back to normal life and save our children for one, along with everyone else who is starving, and unable to work (including people in this very profession here). I've tried to explain why people are getting sick with those vaccine shots too (some people are anyway - that's normal - especially with such an untested viral vaccine). I've explained it many times. Not everyone reads or listens too well. You would do well to listen to what I write. IJS Ah well. Good luck peeps.

  7. #37
    Verified Companion Companion Sonya Playmate's Avatar
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    Got the 2nd vaccine yesterday��
    I’m good to go ��

    Love, <3
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  8. #38
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Wingnut88's Avatar
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    I got my second shot a week ago. Finally ready to party again..
    Sumtymes I try ta Thinq, but nuttin hapens - DDuck

  9. #39
    Verified Hobbyist BCD guyeefawkes's Avatar
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    I will do a Lebron on this one LOL

    Buddha “Nothing remains without change.”

  10. #40
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
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    Finally something that makes sense out of James's mouth... not to say he is a good -- GREAT ball player.. just good 'ol pop... play / coach YOUR game.. & let the politicians ( Azz h***s) in DC handle it... ...NOT

    I did run across someone saying.. I will listen to my body, my Doctor & my faith...RANT over

  11. #41
    Verified Hobbyist BCD JohnnyWadd's Avatar
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    It's not necessary to get an
    un-tested DNA altering injection
    for a flu/cold virus with a 99.7%
    survival rate.
    Dont believe the paid off
    Mocking Bird media or Bill Gates.
    Do a deep dive researching his
    background and you will find out
    he's a eugenicist like his father and
    wants to cull the population of the planet.

    You will also find out many countries in
    Africa and India have kicked his charity
    out for putting stirulents in vaccines.

    Nothing about the Covid vaccine is a vaccine,
    that's just what they're calling it for marketing
    The mRNA works nothing like a classical
    vaccine and alters YOUR DNA forever.

    So to sum it up...
    New, untested "vaccine" developed in less
    than a year by a company that has never made
    anything much less a vaccine (Moderna).
    No animal trials, abbreviated human tests.
    Huge promotions by the media to get "vaccinated"
    for a virus with a 99.7% survival rate to reach
    "Herd Immunity".

    But let's just trust our gumbt who has never
    been exposed for violating the trust of its
    citizens especially in recent history and
    behind it the guy who has enough money
    to end world hunger but instead has his
    name on the patent for the Sars Cov 2 virus
    and every financial angle concerned with it.

    And dont forget... Dr. Fauci has been in Gates's
    back pocket for over 20 years.
    And he wants to violate your rights and force
    people to take the vaccine via Covid
    "travel passports" and putting tracking devices
    on us.

    I'm gonna trust my instincts and just say no.
    My body, my choice, right..?

    Make your own decision about getting the
    Covid Vaccine.
    But please make an informed decision and dont
    blindly trust any corporation or your gumbt.
    The US Gumbt gave free healthcare and vaccines
    to poor black people in Alabama.

  12. #42
    Verified Hobbyist BCD JohnnyWadd's Avatar
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    Marvelous Marvin Hagler
    dies mysteriously just one
    day after getting his first
    COVID vaccine shot.

    But his death is not related
    to the vaccine.


  13. #43
    Join Date
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    I thought the continuation of COVID discussion was no longer allowed?
    CK wrote a comment in a Dallas thread, see for yourself (last comment & he closed it).
    He wishes has my respect. Hate to see someone get ridiculed for not knowing.
    Sharing is caring

  14. #44
    Verified Hobbyist BCD slocum's Avatar
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    This thread might also get closed for straying off topic. So to return to the original topic, I got my first Fauci ouchy yesterday.
    Preferences: midget lesbian diaper hentai porn, but I'm open to kinks as well.

  15. #45
    The "Guide" In Black ® Mokoa's Avatar
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    Yes, he did...

    Quote Originally Posted by ck1942 View Post
    ...thread (and covid discussions) herein are now closed
    So we are done here.
    "Don't come here and grumble about going too fast. Get the hell out of the race car if you've got feathers on your legs or butt. Put a kerosene rag around your ankles so the ants won't climb up there and eat that candy ass."

    Dale Earnhardt

    9/11 Memorial

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