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Thread: ABC’s of Salvation

  1. #1
    Verified Hobbyist BCD fanuvmxpx's Avatar
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    ABC’s of Salvation

    “For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life” – John 3:16

    Admit you have sinned.

    Here’s the bad news: we all have a problem; it’s called sin. Our lives are not how God intended them to be. The consequence of sin is eternal death.

    “Everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard.” – Romans 3:23

    “The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord – Romans 6:23

    Believe in Jesus Christ.

    Here’s the good news: God loves us so much that He can forgive any sin, no matter how big or how small. God sent His Son Jesus to die on the cross to save us from sin. Jesus said that if you put your trust in Him, you will have eternal life.

    “My Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in Him shall have eternal life.” – John 6:40

    Confess that Jesus is Lord.

    When Jesus rose from the grave, He proved His victory over eternal death. God wants you to confess that Jesus is Lord of all. He is your Savior.

    “If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord’, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” – Romans 10:9

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2019
    Amen. A timely, important message.

  3. #3
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Admiral Giggle's Avatar
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    My Profile My Rules! I will not send you a deposit or provide RW info.
    A beautiful message. Odd for me to see it now. This has weighed heavy on me this past week.

    A week ago I was told I have a rare form of Heart Cancer. Non operable, the two tumors are in a shitty location and one is growing into the heart cavity. I would have never known until I had my yearly physical and had a scan. Not sure how many days, months, or year I have. heart transplant is only route to go.

    I declared my faith and love for Jesus in 2010 and was also baptized.

    This past week I've looked back and although I know sins are forgiven and forgotten with His love. I dread when I must stand before Him when he opens my "Book of Life" and reads to me and I relive all the things I've said and done during my short stay on this Earth. What's been said has been said and what's been done has been done. Those chapters are finished and written stone but I know that "The Words Written in Red" give me Peace.
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  4. #4
    Registered Male (Not Verified) Texson's Avatar
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    From a stoics perspective, all people must die as death is inevitable. It is important to remember every day that death is inevitable so it is up to you to live your best life in the here and now. Knowing that death is waiting, the stoic seeks to understand reality by gaining knowledge of the universe (math, science, philosophy, etc..) Use reason and logic to interpret the events we experience and maximize your time in life by not putting off things that should be addressed now. Tell the ones you love that they are loved, work towards your goals daily and always inform your decisions through reason and logic.

    Whether life exists beyond this physical realm or not is unknowable so the only guarantee of existence beyond death is the memories you leave behind with loved ones. Be kind and set an example for those that follow you and do your best to leave the world a better place.

  5. #5
    Registered Male (Not Verified) Texson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Admiral Giggle View Post
    A beautiful message. Odd for me to see it now. This has weighed heavy on me this past week.

    A week ago I was told I have a rare form of Heart Cancer. Non operable, the two tumors are in a shitty location and one is growing into the heart cavity. I would have never known until I had my yearly physical and had a scan. Not sure how many days, months, or year I have. heart transplant is only route to go.

    I declared my faith and love for Jesus in 2010 and was also baptized.

    This past week I've looked back and although I know sins are forgiven and forgotten with His love. I dread when I must stand before Him when he opens my "Book of Life" and reads to me and I relive all the things I've said and done during my short stay on this Earth. What's been said has been said and what's been done has been done. Those chapters are finished and written stone but I know that "The Words Written in Red" give me Peace.
    Isn't this dependent on what particular soteriology your Christian sect subscribes to? From your post is sounds like a derivative of Calvinism but considering there are so many various soteriologies within the Christian faith, how can you be sure you are subscribing to the correct one?

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