Quote Originally Posted by Brooke Wilde View Post
I hope everything goes great for you. I've been wanting to move from Houston for years simply because I hate the hot/humid weather & brown water beaches, but I'm pretty much stuck here. I wouldn't even know how to move at this point ... lol.

I envy all the foreign gents I meet that leave their country at 18, 19, 20 years old & move 1,000's of miles across oceans to start a new life. I don't have that kind of confidence or inner strength.
I moved here in 2006. By myself. No fam or friends. I’m from Oklahoma. Houston has been good, but the last few years have been a mess! Dallas is closer to home, so I’ll move there & go b&f between Dallas & Oklahoma. It’s hard to leave a city that I’ve made home, but- YOU JUST HAVE TO TAKE A LEAP OF FAITH!