Quote Originally Posted by austinperv View Post
...Did you really just allude to information from his real life because he asked an uncomfortable question you'd rather not answer?
LOL, I have been asked many more "uncomfortable" questions about my employment, than that one! LOLOLOL

Me answering DocHoliday was only an example for others, what not to ask. I appreciate the attention DocHoliday is drawing to my posts and his witty ways of commenting here. I am not lying, if I would say, that I have read most of his 12600 comments and stirred some attention and responded, when he has commented. More over, I have met him publicly and spoke to him face to face. He has never hid his affiliation and knowledge of Law practices. More over, he has offered help to numerous members here. But, you wouldn't know that, austinperv, unverified male, from July 2020

It is hard for people to understand, that some of us here, have a "relationship" with many members and we strive to help, entertain and look out for each other.
Newcomers, with "Hobbying history" shorter, than my pubic hair, need not to steer or provoke uncomfortable situations here. If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all - priceless advise.

Thank you for looking out for me my friends. It is nice to know, that when I am away from OH2, someone will look out for me, send me PM with warnings of upcoming "flame wars" in comments and just plain show of support here. Me love you long time!