I’m on my Coffee (Coke Zero) break at work, so I apologize beforehand for any misspellings or grammatical errors. It’s an overnight shift and by 3am...I can get a bit delirious. l

So, I’ve recently been wondering about Covid and the impact it’s had on the providers and gentleman that currently participate in the hobby. How it’s affected the way they Hobby and if there any precautions that are taken by them to lessen the risk of exposure. Are you (ladies and gentlemen) legitimately concerned about the potential risk of getting infected or do you have a more lackadaisical view on the whole subject matter?

*Lurkers...please feel free to chime in. For every one well known poster, there’s about 50-100 of you guys! Or quite possibly more. I’m curious if it’s affected the way you gentleman hobby as well.

I personally go a bit overboard with the precautions that I take. I recently ended a session after the first 30 minutes, gave a full refund and politely asked that we re-schedule once he got his negative results back if he decided to go get testing done. I haven’t heard back from him, and that’s ok. ‘Sometimes it be that way....