Agency/Spa/Club Name, Companion's Handle:, Crystal
Date of Visit: 10/3/2020
Preferred Method of Contact: text
Phone Number: (346) 246-0296
Email Address:
Website, Ad, or Profile URL:
City, State: Houston, Texas
Location: SW Houston
Type of Visit: Incall
Was the Appointment On-Time?? No
Length of Visit: 1 hour only stayed for 30
Donation: 200
Approximate age of Companion: 20 ish
Hair Color and Length: Dyed hair
Smoking Status: Non smoker
Ethnic/Racial background: Hispanic / Latina
Companion Description:
Meet or Exceed Your Expectations?? meh
Would you recommend this Agency/Spa?? IDK yes and no read review
Would You Recommend this Companion?? meh yes and no read review

Public comments: So not too much to say about this review. I have not hobbied in awhile and experiences like this is why I slowed down a lot.

To start off with the scheduler was great we connected and was very prompt. I got screened and got my good to go. I told the scheduler text me an hour before the appointment. Due to traffic and being in the general area of being in SW Houston it can easily take me an hour to get there.

1 hour before appointment comes and goes

45 min before appointment comes and goes

between 45 mins and 50 mins i text the scheduler "whats the addy"
No response

So I am like "well this is a NCNS at-least i didnt drive out there."

So I started doing other shit then at 6ish i get a text "are you close?"
Im like WTF sent text back "NO I didnt get your addy..."
The scheduler is like well we can reschedule (this is always a bad sign) then the scheduler text back and says Crystal can do 1 hour later
I finally get the address and sure as shit about an hour from me.

So I reschedule the appointment about for 1 hour later.

Fast forward to the incall.

Its in a nicer apartment complex I felt safe.

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