Date: 3/6/09
Provider: Alicia
Phone or Pager: 972-841-1818
Email Address:
City: Addison?
Area: Near Dallas North Tollway and Trinity Mills
Appointment Type: incall
Provider Category: Undependent
Activities: Massage (all over rub) and L1
Session Length: 1 hour
Fee: $80, not 180
Total Paid: $80
Upselling or tipping issues?: No
Was the Description you were given accurate? Yes
Hair Color and Length: Short and black
Age: 40
Perfume/Fragrance: Fresh and natural
Smoking Status: Could not smell on her or in the room
Where did you hear about this provider? ASPD
Provider's Face and Body: 5’, A/B cup, rule of 100, very nice butt and hour glass
Provider's Attitude: Friendly and accommodating
Comments: Alicia gave a great all over rub before moving into a satisfying and long lasting L1. She gave me the option of one or two rounds. Alicia has not gotten on this board yet, so she has no ad. Same girl from ASPD. See Locker Room for more.

I would recommend her.