For those who haven't heard I got my right knee and ankle badly hurt last night.

I unloaded a new horse and one of my dogs nipped at it. The horse struck out at him then jumped off to the right - taking me with him. I don't think my legs moved, at least not fast enough. My right knee bent to the inside (I do't think they are made to go that way) lol. Sprained my ankle at the same time.

I'm not much for Doctors, but I did go this am. He took x-rays and fortunately I didn't break anything. He told me if it does not fully heal in a month we will do a MRI and check for serious tares.

What does this all mean? It means I can't hobby til I'm healed up and I am not suppose to even ride my horses at all.

I will try to get back to hobby'ing as soon as I can, I can't afford to much time off.

I will try to keep every one updated and when I can again have play time.

Hugs n Kisses