Review: Jade
Provider: sxyjade101
Phone or Pager: 281-777-3635
Email Address:
City: dallas
Area: 635/75
Appointment Type: incall
Provider Category: Independant
Activities: CBJ/CFS/DATY
Session Length: 1hr
Fee: 150.00
Total Paid: 150.00
Upselling or tipping issues?:no
Was the Description you were given accurate? yes
Hair Color and Length: short blonde
Age: 22
Perfume/Fragrance: clean
Smoking Status: No
Where did you hear about this provider? Home2 P411
Provider's Face and Body: Cute face. Petite body 5'4" 100lbs 32b 22 32 would be my guess
Provider's Attitude: I really like sex.
Comments: Nice girl fun time. Everything is covered and she would not be classified as GFE but I knew that going in. Location was convenient at the time and she responded to my request through P411. She is not an early morning person so we missed the first window of opportunity, but she was available for a time that worked out for me. Multiple positions and no rush. Nice sensitive nipples, cute little soft ass that she encourages you to grab.
We got comfortable with her sitting on the bed while I lay on my back stroking her thighs and breast. She suited me up and started with Amrachushita. Even though covered she is adept at this an enjoys her time. I moved her around and she enjoyed Jihva-bhramanaka. We moved into Lilasana and Hansabandha were she worked up a sweat. Very energetic young lady and I had to stop her and suggest we change to Hirana which she readily agreed and responded with even Svanaka. After a while it was time for Madandhvaja, Mukula, and Shankha. jade is very flexable and accomadating. We changed again to Charunarikshita and finished in Samdamsha. Both our bodies glistened with sweat and after a few moments she removed herself to get a towel and cleaned me up. I showered and dressed , then with a kiss on the cheek to her I was on my way.

Recommend: yes