We will have a lunch social on Thursday March 19, 2009. It will start around noon and go on until around 5-6 - depending on the venue's needs for the private area that evening.

It will be at a centrally located restaurant, different from the venue we have for the Evening Socials

I hope to get a Valet service to park cars for us since parking is kinda limited.

I am also working on having a buffet so the COST for the guys will be $15
and of course FREE for the ladies.

There is a bar, so drinks will be available.

If you weren't on the social invite list before, you better get your name and vouches over to CK immediately if you are interested in attending.

All our registered providers just need to request an invite, if you haven't received invitations to the Evening Social.

CK and I are looking forward to seeing some of our old friends and meeting some new ones who typically can't get away in the evenings.

CK will be sending out the invitations around the 17th which will have the location and other information regarding the social.