My Journey Led to Sophia and Ella!

Date: End of January

Provider: Sophia (sensualsophia) and Ella (EllaInAustin)

Phone or Pager: Private

Email Address: Sophia: , Ella:

Website/URL: Sophia: or --
Ella: or

City, State: Austin, TX

Appointment Type: Incall

General Area: NW

Provider Category: Independent

Activities: Grapes, LK, DFK, BBBJ through the boxer flap, Restraints, DATY, Furry Gloves, Watching DATY, BBBJ and DATY, DOGGIE (covered) w/ a Vibrating Cock Ring and a Gorgeous Lady Masturbating while Watching in the Mirror, Elevated MISH (covered) w/the Vibrating Cock Ring but w/ the other lady, BBBJ, new shapes, and new furniture... OH, MY!!!

Session Length: 3 hours (we went way over)

Fee: Ella: $$$$$$$$$ Sophia: $$$$$$$

Total Paid: Fee + (BTU)

Was tipping or upselling an issue?: No

Was the Description you were given accurate? Yes

Hair Color and Length: Ella: long straight reddish brown -- Sophia: medium length wavy brown

Age: Ella: mid 30’s, Sophia early 30’s

Race: White/Cauc.

Perfume/Fragrance: none

Smoking Status: non-smoking

Where did you hear about this provider? ASPD originally. Have seen both before.

Provider’s Face and Body: Sophia: 5’ 8”, 140ish, 36C-28-40, voluptuous, beautiful, with very kissable lips and seriously caressable curves. -- Ella: 5’ 3”, 115ish, 34B-27-37, petite, gorgeous, with “smiling eyes” and as Sophia said, “The cutest butt!”

Comments: (NOTE: Ladies who have access to this board can read the comments here. They're not "BCD" like they are on ASPD.)


I must warn you now that the comments for this review are VERY long. Since this is my first ever review, I decided that it might be interesting to let all of you get a peek into my journey through the hobby this past year. If all you are interested in is the information about this particular session, then skip down to the section titled “The Session.” (It is pretty damn long on its own!) Otherwise, grab a drink, sit back, and enjoy my little tale.

The Journey

<blockquote></blockquote>OK. A bit of history here... I first discovered ASPD almost eight years ago. Way back then, I took my first little dip into the hobby pond. I can tell you now that the one experience I had back then (with a well reviewed ASPD provider, at that time) was bad enough to keep me away for seven years (Just so you know, the main issues back then involved punctuality and her hygiene). Finally, early last year, after a long dry spell, I decided to check this place out again. I spent a few months perusing the ads and the various ladies’ websites. I read the reviews (without BCD access, or an actual membership, at that particular time) and checked out many of the posts on the boards.
<blockquote></blockquote>During these early months, I found that a few ladies started to attract my attention more than any others. Occupying the top couple of spots on this slowly forming list were Sophia and Ella. Finally, last April, I decided to take another dip into the hobby pool. This time I made a good choice. I chose to make contact with Sophia.
<blockquote></blockquote>This beautiful lady agreed to see me (after screening), even though I was a newbie. (Sophia’s requirements are a bit tighter than they were back in April ’08. She now requires two provider references or a Basic Plus P411 ID.) I arrived for our first meeting, knocked on the door, and went from being fairly calm to a quivering mess as she opened it. I must admit that my attack of nerves really affected my performance during this first meeting. Despite that, Sophia handled everything perfectly. She simply slowed things down for me and helped me relax by engaging me in a nice, sensual make out session (and some pretty damn interesting conversation to boot)...

***** Special Note: This session with Sophia also marked my first ever attempt at DATY, even though I am in my late 30’s. This little tidbit will come into play in my description of our doubles session, below. *****

... Toward the end of our time, Sophia took one last chance on me and was finally able to make my bell ring with an incredible BBBJ (no CIM, but you really shouldn’t let that stop you from seeing THIS beautiful woman)...

***** Another Special Note: At this time, something very interesting and quite incredible happened. My bell rang, the “juices” flowed, and Sophia, to her never ending credit, didn’t stop what she was doing. As she kept her hand moving during my post orgasmic contractions, I felt yet another wonderful tingling sensation begin to build. As I choked out a soft, “Oh Yeah!” Sophia pumped harder and faster, causing a second, more powerful eruption to occur. Now, boys, I am really not exaggerating here, and I am still not completely sure about what happened or how it happened, but I do believe that Sophia actually gave me multiple orgasms here! *****

...After finally getting my bell to ring (and letting our session go twenty minutes long to do so), Sophia invited me to take a quick shower with her. We cleaned each other up and afterwards I proceeded to get dressed so I could get myself out of her way. Knowing that my nerves had made me a hard case (or more precisely, a too soft case) to deal with, I felt the need to feel Sophia out about how bad I really was. I attempted this by nervously saying, “This was great! Don’t be surprised if I call you again!”
<blockquote></blockquote>This is where she really blew me away. She took two seductive steps toward me, looked into my eyes, and with a hot sultry kiss on my lips, purred, “You’d better call me again!”...

***** Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!... Ladies and Gentlemen, our winner, and new ATF of the World... Sophiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaa!!! *****

...Let’s face it, gents, I could have let my own bad performance in this session drive me back into the shadows, but Sophia knew just what to do and say to bolster my ego when I really needed it. Instead of crawling back into my corner with a damaged psyche, Sophia’s small, sweet gesture of reassurance had me signing up as a member of ASPD a few short days later.
<blockquote></blockquote>The next couple of months were uneventful for me as far as playing in the hobby is concerned. I knew that I needed to get a few more sessions with a few more providers under my belt, if for no other reason, so I would have some references. It wasn’t until late July that a couple of flirtatious forays into the ASPD chat room pushed me into my second session of the year with a Dallas provider.
<blockquote></blockquote>I had gone into chat and was a bit flirty with the ladies in there. I even went so far as asking a few when they were going to come down to Austin to see me. Well, sure enough, one of these ladies announced to me that she would be in town to see me in a few days time. Uh oh! I had talked myself into it this time.
<blockquote></blockquote>It wasn’t that I didn’t want to see this young lady. I had seen her website and I thought that she was rather cute. My big problem was the fact that I would now have to ask Sophia for a reference. Disastrous scenarios crashed through my mind. What if she refuses to be a reference for me?! What if she agrees and then tells the other provider that I’m not worth the hassle?!! What if she just ignores me?!!! The inexperienced newbie in me had my stomach twisted up in knots, but I had no choice. The Dallas provider was on her way.
<blockquote></blockquote>I sat down and wrote an email to Sophia, asking her if she would be a reference for me. As luck, and my incredible sense of bad timing, would have it, Sophia was, as stated by her auto responder, on vacation when I sent her my reference request. Fortunately for me, the Dallas provider was newbie friendly, so I was able to secure an appointment by submitting a little extra information. The appointment went well enough. She was a cute and very friendly woman, but I really didn’t feel like we “clicked.” While the appointment was fun, I was not dreaming about another session with her afterward. What was important to me, however, was the fact that I had picked up my second possible reference.
<blockquote></blockquote>A few days after my appointment with the Dallas provider, I received a response from Sophia about my reference request. She apologized for not being able to respond sooner and assured me that she would be more than happy to act as a reference for me in the future. All of my paranoid newbie fears disappeared with this simple response. I was ready to increase my participation in the hobby. Hmmm... if only there was some kind of service to make the process of screening easier. The time had come for me to sign up with P411.
<blockquote></blockquote>I had taken the time to look through the P411 website a few times before. My biggest concern, back then, was that I really didn’t have enough bona fides to gain membership there. By mid August, however, I was ready to give it a shot with two authentic provider references to aid me. I took the time to submit the necessary information to P411 and after one easy, painless phone conversation with one of Gina’s assistants (and, damn, did she have a sexy voice!), I was a member of P411. I even had my first two OKs after Sophia and the Dallas provider verified my vouches. (I did show proper courtesy by asking both of them if they would be willing to vouch for me prior to submitting them as references to P411.)
<blockquote></blockquote>Over the next month and a half, my hobby experiences came at me pretty fast. A few days after gaining access to P411, a young coquette that had intrigued me posted an ad here on ASPD. She announced that she was ducking down, out of sight, for awhile (maybe even permanently). I had seen her ads, reviews, and posts during the short time that she was with us, and my interest in meeting her had steadily increased. Seeing this announcement about her imminent departure prompted me to send her an appointment request through P411. We were able to agree upon a time and off I went on my third hobby adventure. I arrived for my session with the adorable Ma******* and was fortunate enough to experience one of the sweetest, softest sessions I have had, so far. I lament the fact that she is gone and thank my lucky stars that I jumped at the chance to see her before she left. My experience with this amazing young lady only served to increase my desire for another swim in the hobby waters. Interestingly, my thoughts didn’t lead me to ponder what new pastures I might explore. Instead my thoughts began to dwell upon a return to Sophia.
<blockquote></blockquote>After experiencing how easy it is to set up an appointment through P411, I decided that I really needed to reward the Dallas provider and Sophia for their kind help in getting me signed up. I emailed a nice gift code to the girl from Dallas and then I went online to obtain something special for Sophia. I found a nice, sexy little gift that I thought would look amazing on her. Several days after ordering Sophia’s gift, it arrived and I was ready to schedule my second appointment with her.
<blockquote></blockquote>Now, call it coincidence, call it divine providence, or just call me a lucky bastard, but just as I was preparing to contact Sophia for another encounter, she posted an ad on ASPD with a nice special. I was on P411 requesting an appointment within an hour of her ad going up. She got back to me quickly and we were set for a two hour appointment on that early September weekend.
<blockquote></blockquote>My nerves had been an issue that affected my performance to some degree in each of the three sessions I had experienced up to this point. Of course, my worst performance was during my first session with Sophia. After all the things that just wouldn’t work right during that first meeting, I really wanted the chance to try again. I was hoping that a little familiarity with the lady I was meeting might take some of the self-inflicted pressure off of me. I am happy to report that I was right in thinking this. Now, I can’t tell you that I performed like some super sexual hunky stud, but I feel like I was more relaxed and better able to hold up (and keep up) my end of the bargain. I think it also helped that Sophia was her usual stellar self. After cleaning up and getting dressed at the end of our session, I decided that I wanted to broach a special subject with Sophia.
<blockquote></blockquote>During my time lurking around here, I have been dreaming about that holy grail of male fantasies: The Doubles Session. I was standing at the door with Sophia and before making my exit from my second session with her, I made mention of my desire. I said, “Next time, we need to try a doubles session.”
<blockquote></blockquote>Sophia’s mouth curled into a devilishly sexy little grin as she asked, “Who else did you have in mind?”
<blockquote></blockquote>“Ella.” I replied a bit sheepishly.
<blockquote></blockquote>Her deep sparkling blue eyes lit up and they widened in delight as she exclaimed, “Oh yeah! She’s gorgeous!”
<blockquote></blockquote>From that simple reaction, I knew that I absolutely had to make that session happen. I just had one little problem. I hadn’t actually met Ella, yet.
<blockquote></blockquote>Before embarking on my quest for the elusive Ella, I decided to take care of a bit of unfinished hobby business. Back during my first little excursion into the hobby eight years ago, I found myself trying to choose between several providers. Among those providers was a lady named Willow. Unfortunately for me, I didn’t choose her at the time. I was lucky, however, in that Willow’s alter ego was still around in the form of the very well respected FBSM provider, Dagny. I just want to take this chance to let all of you know that everything you have read about this lady is absolutely true. Her skills in the art of FBSM are top notch. One thing that really struck me about her is her ability to engage in great conversation. That may seem like an odd attribute to single out in an arena where physical pleasure is the focus, but her gift in the art of conversation is remarkable. I can say that I really am glad that I took the time to finally meet Dagny.
<blockquote></blockquote>After my appointment with Dagny, I decided that the time had come to figure out a way to meet Ella. While she had been one of the ladies that had interested me most, Ella had also seemed to be one of the most unattainable for me. Early on, my biggest problem was that I certainly didn’t have the references necessary to pass her screening. Another problem was the fact that Ella tends to keep herself a bit UTR much of the time. Well, I don’t think it was coincidence. I don’t believe that it was divine providence. Yep. I think I’m simply a lucky bastard. Just as I was trying to figure out a way to secure a meeting with Ella, she popped back up with an ad and a great special. The second after I finished reading her ad I was clicking on the P411 banner at the top of the page and sending an appointment request to Ella. She responded quickly and we were finally set to meet at the beginning of October.
<blockquote></blockquote>As I walked toward the door to Ella’s new incall, I felt the familiar nervous pounding in my heart begin. I knocked softly upon the door and I entered to find myself staring at a lady who is, as Sophia said, gorgeous. The physical feature that immediately grabbed my attention was her eyes. Ella has what I would call “smiling eyes.” What I mean by that is exactly what I said. Her eyes seem to smile at you. We sat down on the couch and spent some time getting to know each other before moving on to other activities. What really struck me during this session was Ella’s enthusiastic sense of playfulness. Our time was all about enjoying each other and having some fun. During our time together, I brought up the idea of a doubles session with her and Sophia. Ella responded by saying, “Oh! Sophia is GREAT! That would be a lot of fun!”
<blockquote></blockquote>There was no choice for me now. I HAD to make this session happen. What I didn’t see coming was a problem that would put me out of commission for the next month and a half.
<blockquote></blockquote>Now I want to make it clear that my problem had absolutely nothing to do with catching anything and everything to do with my bad knees. I spent the last half of October and much of November incapacitated by swollen knee joints and a hell of a lot of pain. This, of course, negated any possibility of setting up my long awaited doubles session with Sophia and Ella. I finally got in to see my doctor and discovered another problem that could have been contributing to my performance issues. That problem was seriously high blood pressure...

***** Public Service Announcement: Gentlemen, any kind of ED issues could be a warning sign of other, more serious problems. Don’t ignore any kind of warning signs and don’t skip your check ups with your doctor. Remember: You can’t go out to play with the ladies if you’re dead! *****

...My doctor started piling on the medications and by the end of November, my body started to function normally again. As my mind started to turn back to the task of setting up a doubles appointment, I found myself confronted with an irresistible temptation.
<blockquote></blockquote>I logged on to ASPD to find an ad from Sophia that contained a new special. I just couldn’t resist the opportunity to see Sophia again. I sent a request through P411 and we were set for a two hour appointment that weekend. It was about 30 minutes into our scheduled time together that I realized that I may have tried to do too much too soon. My new medications had me feeling like I was swimming through glue. While my “equipment” was working just fine in this session, I just couldn’t keep my focus long enough to achieve a bell. A ton of credit must be given to Sophia here. The poor girl tried as hard she could and she never quit trying, but my bell just wasn’t going to ring this time. I know she felt kind of bad about not being able to get me to finish, but it really wasn’t her fault. I should have known better. Trying to go through with a session when you are two weeks into taking some serious new medications is not the best of ideas. I must say, however, that I don’t have any regrets about going to see Sophia that day. My month and a half of incapacitation had really left me feeling isolated and alone. I didn’t realize how much I had been missing some simple, face-to-face human contact. Seeing Sophia that day really helped lift my spirits after what had been a difficult couple of months. At the end of our time together, I brought up the idea of a doubles session with Ella again. I told Sophia that I wanted to shoot for sometime in January. She was as enthusiastic as ever about the idea. It was time for me to stop screwing around and finally make this happen.
<blockquote></blockquote>The time had come to make some real preparations for the imminent doubles session with Sophia and Ella. I wanted to pick up some things to make this session a little more special. Over the next few weeks, I jumped online to do a little bit of shopping. This is where I started to get into trouble. As I was surfing various sites, all the little playthings I was seeing, combined with some great Christmas discounts, started to look like too much fun to pass up. The shopping spree was about to begin.
<blockquote></blockquote>The first thing I needed to do was get something for Ella. I have to back track just a little to explain this. At the end of our meeting in October, I screwed up, big time. I completely spaced out and forgot to leave her a tip. Now, there are many here who will argue that tipping is never necessary and they never do or will tip. To me, tipping is something that should be done as a show of common courtesy and your sincere appreciation. I just don’t feel comfortable about not tipping if the lady I visit performs up to and/or beyond expectations. To make up for my mistake with Ella, I wanted to find a gift that she might specifically enjoy, but could also be enjoyed by her “roomies” Sophia and Sophie (sophiebella). During our first appointment, Ella mentioned how much fun she found mirrors to be. I found a site that sells mirrors online and was able to purchase a nice standing Cheval mirror for Ella and Sophia’s (and Sophie’s) incall. With this task completed, I wanted to find some interesting Christmas presents for these two lovely ladies. Next stop: the Liberator online store.
<blockquote></blockquote>I had heard a lot about the Liberator line of products and how much fun they could be. I decided that this might be a fun place to find a few interesting gifts for my two favorite ladies. I went onto the Liberator site ( ) and started to check out their products. This is where my shopping got out of control. Everything on that site looked like it would be massively fun to try out. After seeing all the demonstration photos and videos on the Liberator site, my imagination went on super duper fantasy overload and I ended up buying several of their products for Sophia and Ella. Among the products I bought (and are now featured at their incall) are the Liberator Ramp/Wedge combo and the Liberator Equus.
<blockquote></blockquote>I made a couple of more stops at Victoria’s Secret, Fredrick’s of Hollywood and another adult site for a few more things and I was finally done with my shopping. Most of the orders I placed were delivered just before Christmas and I was ready to start arranging the long overdue doubles session with Sophia and Ella.

The Session

<blockquote></blockquote>I sent an email to Sophia and Ella just before the new year. I suggested a few possible dates for the second half of January and also began to tease them with hints about the presents I was going to bring. Both of them responded within a reasonable amount of time and we were able to agree upon a date for a three hour doubles session at the end of January...

***** Special Note: Sophia and Ella usually work opposite schedules. If you want to schedule a doubles session with them, it is best to try and schedule as far in advance as possible. *****

...This kicked off a long string of emails from me where I repeatedly hinted at and teased them about all the fun new presents I had for them. Now, I must say that, in general, a hobbyist should never do what I did, as far as sending multiple emails is concerned. That said, Sophia and Ella were really good sports about it. I think they sensed that I had gone a little beyond the norm to make this an interesting session. Basically, they humored me.
After all of their gifts had been gathered and stacked in my living room, I realized that it was going to take a bit of time to unload and set this stuff up after I arrived for our appointment. A few days prior to our session, I emailed Sophia and Ella and asked them for a favor. I asked them if they would allow me to arrive about ten minutes early to get everything unloaded and set up. Both of them very graciously agreed to my request and we were finally ready to get this shindig underway.
<blockquote></blockquote>I arrived for our appointment (ten minutes early as agreed) and called to inform them of my arrival. I then proceeded to drag the first load of stuff in from my car. I knocked on the door and felt a surge of excitement as it opened a few short seconds later. I was greeted by the sight of Sophia and Ella who both had looks of astonishment on their faces at the two massive armfuls of stuff I was carrying. We greeted each other and exchanged a few short, yet eagerly awaited kisses. I then started to unpack some of the new presents for their inspection. As they began to open and set up a few of these items, I excused myself to return to my vehicle so I could retrieve the rest of the gifts I had brought with me. I wrangled the remaining gifts into their incall and I sent both of them into the bedroom so they could change into the clothing I bought for them. While they were changing, I finished unpacking the last of the gifts and made myself comfortable.
<blockquote></blockquote>Sophia and Ella emerged from the bedroom in their sexy new outfits and, WOW!, they looked absolutely stunning. They were each wearing a sexy little satin robe that I had bought for them from Fredrick’s of Hollywood. Ella had set up a nice plate of cheese and fruit along with a nice bottle of red wine. I decided not to have any, but I really appreciated the gesture. Both of them grabbed a glass of wine and sauntered over to join me on the sofa. As Ella stretched out beside me, allowing me the chance to caress her legs, Sophia sat down on the other side and started to seductively feed me grapes. After a bit of this playful teasing from them, I leaned over to get a nice soft kiss from Ella. It was then that I noticed it had become a bit “breezy.” I looked down to see that Sophia had undone the button on my satin boxers and was starting a nice teasing BBBJ. Now, I must say that I am the first to appreciate a nice bit of seduction, and Sophia performing a BBBJ is wonderful, but this night, I think the three of us were really more anxious to get into the bedroom to start playing with all the new toys. It was time to start experimenting with the new goodies. We stood up and made our way into the bedroom.
<blockquote></blockquote>When we entered the bedroom, I grabbed the Liberator Ramp and placed it on the bed. (FYI, I bought the “black label” version of the Liberator Ramp/Wedge combo.) I had Ella remove her robe, revealing the lingerie I had gotten for her at Victoria’s Secret. She was wearing a light purple bra and panty set with a matching garter belt and seductive purple stockings. I instructed her to get on the bed and lie down on the Ramp. Sophia and I then proceeded to lock Ella’s arms down with the sexy restraints that came with the Ramp/Wedge combo. When Ella was secure, I stood up at the end of the bed with Sophia and asked, “She can’t get out of that, can she?”
<blockquote></blockquote>“No. I don’t think so.” Sophia replied.
<blockquote></blockquote>“Good.” I said. “Now, she can’t interfere with us!”
<blockquote></blockquote>Comprehension flared in their eyes as they realized where I was taking this. I intended have some play time with Sophia, while Ella was powerless to do anything but watch. I untied Sophia’s robe and opened it up to reveal her Victoria’s Secret lingerie. She looked gorgeous in her black and dark blue bra and panty set, accentuated with a matching garter belt and sexy black lace stockings. I wish I could have taken a couple of minutes to sit back and admire the sight of these ladies in their sexy outfits. There is really only one way to describe the way they looked. That is: SMOKING HOT!!! Unfortunately, there was no time to be spent just looking at them. There was too much playing to be done.
<blockquote></blockquote>I moved behind Sophia, as she was facing Ella, and I slowly removed her bra. I could hear Ella’s intake of breath as Sophia’s perfect, supple breasts were exposed to her view. Sophia positioned herself upon the Liberator Equus, which was situated at the foot of the bed. I then slid the Liberator Wedge underneath her so that her wonderfully curvy hips were raised before me. I reached down and slowly removed her deliciously tiny g-string panties. With a quick glance at the helpless and immobile Ella, I sat down and started to kiss my way up Sophia’s silky smooth thighs. I slowly made my way up to her neatly trimmed playground. As I started to softly kiss and lick this area, Sophia let out a quiet, yet approving, moan of pleasure. I squared my shoulders and settled in to begin some serious DATY. I planted my mouth upon her and began to roll and slide my tongue around her sensitive clitoris. As her once quiet moans started to increase in volume, I slowly inserted my fingers into Sophia. I was careful not to use my digits for clumsy thrusting, but instead used them to slowly, yet firmly, massage her inner walls. I was able to bring Sophia to a peak of burning sexual arousal and keep her there. For several minutes, my oral attentions had Sophia moaning, “Yes! That’s it! Keep going! Oh God! It’s so good! Yeah! Just like that! Yes!” Finally, at one point, I needed a few seconds to remoisten my lips and tongue. I brought my head up for a moment and Sophia gasped, “Oh yes! That’s so good!” Then she half-heartedly said, “If you need to stop, I understand.” I didn’t even bother with a vocal response. I just licked my lips and plunged right back in. Sophia’s body twisted and her back arched with pleasure. After a couple of minutes, Sophia began to orgasmicly cry, “Oh my God! I’m there! Oh yes! Yes! Yes!!! YES!!! YESSSSSSSSSS!!! I could feel the quake of her orgasm shudder through her thighs and past my ears. I withdrew my fingers and slowed my licks down to a few gentle kisses. I brought my head up and hugged her pelvis to my chest. I caressed her thighs as her breathing slowed and she came down from her pleasurable heights. When she finally caught her breath, she looked down between her legs at my ginning face and exclaimed, “Wow! You have REALLY gotten good at this!” And to think, just nine short months before, I hadn’t even tried DATY.

***** I would like to take this opportunity to declare the following: Sophia has officially become my DATY Sensei! *****

<blockquote></blockquote>Sophia sat up and gave me a nice deep kiss to reward me for my efforts. I then turned my head toward Ella. She was lying there, restrained and squirming from lack of attention. I turned back to Sophia and asked, “Do you think she’s ready for us, now?”
<blockquote></blockquote>“I don’t know,” she replied. “Maybe we should check!”
<blockquote></blockquote>Sophia climbed up onto the bed and positioned herself on Ella’s left side while I took up a position on the right side. I pulled the front of Ella’s bra down and used my lips to check the arousal state of Ella’s right nipple. As I was doing that, Sophia took the opportunity to slide a finger beneath Ella’s skimpy g-string. At this point, I ducked over the side of the bed to grab a few “goodies.” The first thing I brought out was the blindfold that came with the Liberator restraints. I slipped the blindfold over Ella’s eyes and ducked back down to grab the next surprise. I came back up with a pair of gloves that I found on a naughty little website. What is interesting about these gloves is the silky smooth fur lining on the outside. I handed one of the gloves to Sophia and we both started to caress Ella’s entire body. I started by sliding the soft fur up Ella’s restrained right arm and then down to her semi-exposed chest. “Mmmm... That feels good. It’s so soft!” Ella purred. I reached up and removed Ella’s blindfold so she could enjoy watching us explore her body. When I returned to caressing Ella’s upper body, I noticed that Sophia was slowly making her way towards Ella’s lower body. Sophia seemed to have a hunger in her eyes that only grew larger the further down she went. I took a moment to help Sophia remove Ella’s sexy little g-string. As I used my gloved hand to slowly caress Ella’s right inner thigh, Sophia abandoned her glove and began to kiss her way up Ella’s left inner thigh. Ella started squirming with pleasure as Sophia began to softly kiss and lick the area around Ella’s pelvis. Finally, Sophia’s hunger got the best of her. She dove into Ella’s sweet mound of pleasure like a supermodel that has been told dieting is no longer necessary. As Sophia began to feast upon Ella, I removed my furry glove and started to kiss and massage Ella’s upper body. I kissed Ella’s neck and lips; I pulled the front of her bra down so that I might lick and nibble on her luscious erect nipples; but for the most part, I just tried to soak in the sight of Sophia going to town on Ella’s sweet little pelvis. Sophia brought her right hand up and buried a finger inside Ella. I saw Sophia’s eyes roll back in ecstasy as her thirst for Ella was being quenched. Ella began to squirm in earnest and I heard her lustfully choke out, “Oh yeah! That’s it! Ohhhh! I’m REALLY going to cum hard this time!!!!” Sophia dug in and kept her mouth planted between Ella’s quivering legs. Ella’s back arched and her arms pulled hard against their restraints as her face and chest flushed crimson with the power of her orgasmic explosion. Sophia slowed her lips and tongue down and planted a couple of more kisses between Ella’s legs as I reached up to release her from her restraints. Ella exhaled a large breath and let out a small giggle of glorious relief. Sophia slid up the other side of Ella’s body and we kissed and hugged Ella as her roller coaster ride of pleasure slowed to a stop.
<blockquote></blockquote>We took a few minutes to let Ella catch her breath and enjoy some post-orgasmic bliss. Then, Ella and Sophia looked at me and Sophia said, “It’s your turn, now.” I hadn’t even removed my boxers at this point. I remedied that by yanking them off in one swift motion and tossing them into the ever growing collection of underwear that was strewn across the bedroom floor. I got up off the bed and laid myself down upon the Liberator Equus. Sophia proceeded to position herself at the end of the Equus. She wrapped her luscious lips around me and began a fantastic BBBJ. Ella stepped up and began to rub and caress Sophia’s body while I was being taken care of. After several minutes of this, I motioned for Ella to come to me. I had her turn around and straddle my head as she faced Sophia. I eagerly took advantage of this opportunity to get my own taste of the sweet Ella. I spent a few minutes enjoying the rolling rhythm of Ella’s hips against my tongue. Meanwhile, my excitement level was building from the sensual attention I was receiving from Sophia. The time had come to switch gears.
<blockquote></blockquote>The three of us stood up and I asked Ella to pass the Liberator Ramp to me. I placed the Ramp upon the Equus and had Sophia get on her knees as she bent over the high side of the Ramp. Ella handed me a cover while I unwrapped another special little toy. After slipping the cover on, I opened up and placed a new Trojan Vibrating Cock Ring on myself. I flipped the little switch and moved into position behind Sophia...

***** I want to digress for just a moment here to tell you a little more about a few of the toys we were using that night. First, that little Vibrating Cock Ring from Trojan is an interesting device. The ring doesn’t put a lot of pressure on your “equipment,” but the sensation from the little vibrator is certainly interesting. Second, the Liberator Equus is a real godsend to someone like me who has bad knees. Certain sexual positions, such as doggie, are typically more painful than pleasurable for me. The Equus allowed me to orient my legs in a more comfortable way and allowed me to enjoy a sexual position that has been painful to me for a long time. *****

...I slowly relished the sensation of entering Sophia in the doggie position. I elicited a small “Ooooo!” of approval from Sophia as I began my thrusting. While this was going on, Ella was setting up the hottest, sexiest sight I have ever seen. Ella grabbed the standing Cheval mirror and placed it in front of the Equus. She then sat down on the floor, facing the mirror in front of us so we could see each other in it. Ella began to softly squeeze her perky breasts with her left hand, while she moved her right hand down to stroke her inner thighs. I began to quicken my thrusts at the sight of this. Ella spread her legs a little wider and started to masturbate to the reflection of me and Sophia in the mirror. My vibrating thrusts and the sight of Ella in the mirror caused Sophia to moan, “Oh yes! That’s so good! Yes! Yes!! Yes!!! Oh god! Look at Ella in the mirror! Oh yes! That’s so fucking hot! Watch her play with herself! Oh yes! YES! YES!!!” I spent several minutes thrusting away and enjoying the sight of these two in that mirror. It was an absolutely incredible sight to see. In fact, I was so mesmerized by how incredible it looked that I sort of forgot to get sexually excited by it. I mean, I could feel the sensations, but my mind was just too dumbstruck by the visual for me to actually get off! I can honestly say that I have never seen anything so cool in my entire life! I kept ramming and jamming for as long as I could, but I actually started to get a bit winded. (Note to self: Add Wheaties to the grocery list and hit the gym more that once a month) The fact is, we had been playing hard with each other for about an hour and a half. I think all three of us needed a chance to catch our breath.
<blockquote></blockquote>Ella hopped up and headed to the kitchen to grab her and Sophia’s wine glasses, plus and nice cool glass of water for me. Sophia took the time to hand me a towel so I could wipe off the small beads of perspiration that had begun to form upon my body. The three of us jumped back into bed and took a few minutes to relax and enjoy our drinks. As we gained our second wind, we began to kiss and caress each other again. My excitement began to build once more. After a few minutes of exchanging some sultry kisses and erotic gropes with these two sexy women, Sophia leaned in and purred, “I think Ella needs some attention from you, now!” I couldn’t have agreed more.
<blockquote></blockquote>I laid Ella down on her back and placed the Liberator Wedge under her to elevate her hips. I then applied a new cover and the Trojan Vibrating Cock Ring to myself. I took a moment to place a soft teasing kiss between Ella’s legs, and then I moved to position myself on top of her. I slowly penetrated Ella, wanting to enjoy the gloriously warm sensation of her as she engulfed me. Having her hips raised upon the Wedge allowed me to slide completely inside her. This also let me position the vibrating part of the cock ring against her clitoris. As we started to grind against each other, Ella’s breathing began to quicken. I combined the rhythmic rolling of my pelvis with some short deep thrusts, while keeping the powerful little vibrator pressed against her aroused clitoris. Sophia took this opportunity to crawl up beside us and was stroking and suckling Ella’s inflamed nipples. After several minutes of hot grinding pleasure, Ella looked up at me with her half-open dreamy eyes and wantonly begged, “I haven’t tasted you yet! Let me put you in my mouth! Please! I need you in my mouth!” Is there actually a man on this earth that would deny THAT request? I don’t think so.
<blockquote></blockquote>I disengaged myself from Ella and removed the cover and my little vibrating buddy. Knowing that I had bent and propped Sophia and Ella over and upon the various Liberator shapes all night, I decided that turn about was fair play. I rolled over on my back and slid the Wedge up under hips. Ella positioned herself between my legs as Sophia snuggled in next to me. Ella slid her moist lips over me and began a slow, erotic BBBJ. Sophia started running her hands across my body and engaging me in some deep passionate kissing. I started to become more aroused. I looked down at Ella and said, “Oh yeah! Faster!”
<blockquote></blockquote>Ella obliged and began to bob her head up and down in frantic lust as she tried to facilitate my impending explosion. Sophia pulled herself even closer to me as she put her lips to my ear and began to talk dirty to me. As my climax was drawing near, I could feel Sophia’s hot breath in my ear as she said, “Oh yes! Look at that! Isn’t Ella the most beautiful cocksucker you have ever seen? Ohhhh! Look at those gorgeous lips wrapped around your cock!”
<blockquote></blockquote>Well, that did it! I could feel the sweet pressure begin to build inside me. I looked down at Ella and exclaimed, “That’s it! I’m gonna cum!”
<blockquote></blockquote>Ella kept a steady rhythm as Sophia lustfully breathed, “Oh Yes! That’s so HOT! Yeah! Cum in her mouth!!!”
<blockquote></blockquote>With those words, the die was cast; the last straw fell; Elvis left the building. My legs shot out straight in front of me and my toes curled up into tight little fists as the orgasmic eruption commenced. Ella continued her motions, drawing out my orgasm as if the ejaculatory juice it produced was the nectar of the gods. Ella looked up and, once again, smiled at me with her eyes as one last, post-orgasmic shudder shot up my spine. I collapsed back onto the bed as Ella pulled her lips off me. Sophia and Ella curled up on each side of me as I was enveloped by a feeling of drained satisfaction.
<blockquote></blockquote>With one last sigh of relief from me, Ella crawled out of bed to retrieve the wine bottle so she and Sophia could finish it off. Ella smiled back at us as Sophia asked me, “Doesn’t Ella have the cutest butt?!”
<blockquote></blockquote>The words that rang through my mind were, “Yes! It truly is the cutest butt. It is a butt to rival the most revered pieces of art ever created by man! DaVinci would have wept and destroyed his beautiful masterpiece, the Mona Lisa, had he dared to compare it to that butt!”
<blockquote></blockquote>Unfortunately, the only thing I could muster in response to Sophia’s question was, “Uh Huh!” <drool>
<blockquote></blockquote>Ella returned with the wine bottle and poured what was left into her and Sophia’s glasses. I glanced at the clock and noticed that we still had about 30 minutes left to enjoy each other. The three of us settled into each others arms and started talking about all kinds of things. Finally, Sophia asked if I wanted to take a shower with her and Ella. Naturally, I agreed. As I pulled myself out of bed, I glanced at the clock once more and was shocked to see that we had gone almost 30 minutes over our scheduled time. Wow! We had really let the time slip by! Of course, Sophia and Ella were great about it and didn’t even mention it.
<blockquote></blockquote>After a quick shower, I came back into the bedroom to start getting dressed. The first task was finding my boxers. Ah! There they were... no, that was Sophia’s bra. Hmmm... Oh yes! That must have been them over there... nope, that was Sophia’s g-string. I finally found them hiding underneath one of Sophia’s stockings. Ella had been in the room while I was conducting my search and I think the girl had to fight hard not to laugh at me. I slipped my boxers back on and collected my little bag of goodies. I then headed out to the living room to put on the rest of my clothing. When I had finished getting dressed, Sophia and Ella were waiting by the kitchen counter to say good bye to me. Sophia looked at me and said, “I think this might be the best session I have ever had.” I gave her a bit of a “come on now” look.
<blockquote></blockquote>Ella responded by saying, “No, really, this was an absolutely incredible evening.”
<blockquote></blockquote>That was probably the nicest thing anyone has said to me in a very long time. The three of us agreed that we needed to get together again as soon as possible. I did a quick pat down inventory of my pockets to make sure I wasn’t forgetting anything and I headed toward the door. I turned around to collect a nice strong goodbye hug and kiss from Sophia and Ella. I then turned the door knob, opened the door, and made my exit from the ultimate fantasy. BTW, I kept the furry gloves. Was that wrong?

Some Follow Up Comments

<blockquote></blockquote>Both Sophia and Ella have stellar reputations in this area. That alone should be enough to entice most to see them. However, the addition of their new Liberator shapes and Liberator furniture makes them a not-to-be-missed experience. When I acquired those items for them, I did it because they looked like they might be fun. I’ll tell you now that they aren’t just fun, they have the ability to really transform a regular old session into a truly memorable experience. If you have ever wondered about these products, try seeing Sophia and/or Ella and test drive them (the products you pervs!) for yourself.
<blockquote></blockquote>I also want to make note of the protection we used in this session. I was able to procure a box of the new Lifestyles SKYN condoms. I thought that they felt really good and were a great alternative to many of the latex brands on the market. The big problem is the fact that they are hard to find. They tend to sell out quickly. If you have any interest in this particular product, a good source is Condom Depot at .
<blockquote></blockquote>Finally, if you haven’t already figured it out, Sophia and Ella are my two favorite ladies. I actually sat down and tried to figure out why these two beautiful women appeal to me so much. As I was writing the review above, the answer finally came to me:

<blockquote></blockquote>While the activities I engage in with these women make me feel pleasure, it is the way they treat me and the things they say to me that make me feel good.


Do you recommend this provider? As Sophia said in our session, “Oh yes! Yes! Yes!!! YES!!! YESSSSSSSSSS!!!”