when i see a thread by a buy who paid in advance and got burned, i know i'm going to see a series of responses emphatically stating "never pay upfront!" responses. this is, of course, reasonable advice. could just as easily advise providers not to begin a session without counting the donation. easy enough to get burned on either side.

i'm just not a fan of the 'never' part. i think there are a set of caveats and we are all adult enough to understand what they are. i don't believe in a policy of paying up front. but if a provider i respect is going over a rough spot, paying in advance does not seem out of line. i understand that i lending some money to a person who was likely going to pay back in services at some future point in time.

anytime i lend money, inside or outside of the hobby, there is a chance the loan will not be repaid. sometimes because a person has an ethical deficiancy. sometimes because of circumstances beyond one's control. shit happens. here is the thing. my money. my decision. if my confidence level and respect in the person is high enough, the worst case is that i helped a person out of a jam. the better case is that good times lay ahead.

if a provider fails to live up to the agreement, it is fair to share that information so folks can take that into consideration in making decisions. but i think it would be silly to make a big deal out of it. a person makes a decision and few things are certain in this world. getting money from someone who owes you (inside or outside of the hobby) ... falls into the 'uncertain' bucket. that will not keep me for doing it when i think circumstances warrant (and i have it to spare... that is key). like i said, worst case is that i helped someone.

now ... i would like to hear from the providers willing to front a session for me on those occasions when i might be a bit short (but i won't hold my breath waiting for those responses).

ps ... if a reader thinks this is an invitation to hit me up for cash ... don't bother ... i'm just philosophizing ... strictly a writing exercise in fiction

more like moral support for folks who are concerned about being criticized. i can't say i have never been burned paying up front ... but overwhelmingly it has been repaid ...joyously ... joyous for me, anyway