Agency/Spa/Club Name, Companion's Handle: Mapleshade Spa, Blue
Date of Visit: 6-25-2020
Preferred Method of Contact: Walk-In or Appointment
Phone Number: 972-985-8851
Email Address: N/A
Website, Ad, or Profile URL: N/A
City, State: Plano, Texas
Location: Mapleshade and Coit area
Type of Visit: Incall
Was the Appointment On-Time?? Yes
Activities: Hugs, disrobing, quick massage, daty, cbj, cfs
Length of Visit: 1 hour
Donation: 200 US$
Approximate age of Companion: 27
Hair Color and Length: Black just below shoulders
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic/Racial background: Chinese
Companion Description:
Meet or Exceed Your Expectations?? Met & Exceeded
Would you recommend this Agency/Spa?? Absolutely Yes
Would You Recommend this Companion?? Absolutely Yes

Public comments:
Was looking for a 1 hour appointment. Mapleshade has very pretty girls, usually Chinese. Very clean place.
You can walk-in or make appointment. Never been disappointed here. Very reliable place.