So this is where it all went down. One little prick decided to drag my name through the dirt and a whole bunch of little pricks started a witch hunt. You must all have been pretty riled up, cuz my friends and closest clients didn't bother telling me where to defend myself, just that I should skip town.

Apparently, I'm crazy, and that's just what one person out of a dozen had the balls to finally say out loud. (For being so bold that you thought it okay to pop up and send harassing messages on my personal Facebook page, you all sure are a bunch of cowards after all. Worthless, spineless, pieces of human garbage.) I'm sure it got worse. Herd mentality, put a bunch of morons incapable of independent thought together in one room and watch what they come up with. It's like the suited up version of "My dick is bigger."

You'll be glad to know you ruined my life. Not me, with the alleged case of crazies, but you, with your information illiteracy and ego. I lost my house because of the income stop, my car got impounded a week later and if not for the ex boyfriend waiting in the wings to catch me, I'd be sleeping on the streets. This was a wonderful thing for you to do, taught me my lesson. Not like my ex husband had left me in the exact same position exactly one year prior to this. Why do you think I became a *****?

You'll be a little uneasy at hearing I'm actually just a mother, two boys ages 4 and 6, who have spent a year already crying for mommy, and crying harder when severe hardship like this prevented mommy from being there even more. You are the absolute scum of the earth.

Anyway, I'm still here, still trying to fuck my way to prosperity. Gimme a shout. Lolol. You should already have me on Facebook. ;) Or, if you think it's best that I disappear, or if you feel personally ashamed, or if you you want to continue to publicly denounce me while assuaging your secret, knowing guilt, help me dissafuckingpear. Donate here: That's how much money I need, aside from living expenses, to undo the damage done to me these last few years. Get it now?

Anyway, ya dumb fucks, gimme a shout. I don't bite. 512 797 7951. (I'm also not actually delusional and don't expect to hear from you unless you're a long lost friend.)

And please know that you have destroyed someone that was truly good. 20200219_071425.jpg20200220_040203.jpg20200220_043555.jpg20200301_024743.jpg20200301_024753.jpg20200219_035917.jpg