As the owner of several businesses I am used to getting screwed by the IRS and Bexar County Appraisal District but this total government shut down is fucking nuts!
How many people have died in San Antonio with Coronovirus? 2, 3 ?
How many people die in car wrecks every day?

I just laid off 70 people and have been dealing with the banks for days on end trying to get my businesses to survive so we can rehire people when this shit is over.
God damn Bexar County wants their $240,000. in property taxes so the city employees can all go on paid vacation while everyone else gets Fucked in the Ass.
I like it when my girlfriend fucks me in the ass but not the God Damn Government!

After 2 weeks, hopefully when businesses can open again, who in the hell is going to have any money to spend?
People will all be broke, sweating to pay bills.
I just sold stocks at 50 cents on the dollar to be able to make business loan payments next month.

The City of San Antonio is going to fuck everyone over because 2 or 3 people have died and maybe 100 more.
I do not want to sound callus but more people die by flu, guns, car wrecks, etc.

Sorry I had to rant but this is TOTAL BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Had to relief stress until my girl gets over here.
Tell me what you think.