the hobby ain't dead!!!

but many ladies and many gents are seriously considering pulling back, at least until we know more than we know now. Or have actually pulled back, pending learning more as time moves forward.

here's what I think I know: there's more panic, so far, than actual pandemic, BUT, since it is at government levels, it ripples across the civilian spectrum.

"panic-demic" ???

so many unknowns medically, and a few actual knowns.

knowns - We do know that:

-- many victims may be elderly, or have major conditions like diabetes, or weakened immune systems.

-- victims may well have zero symptoms for the first few days of illness, and they may also be very contagious during those first few days -- which could be why many medical professionals are now sick.

-- apparently spread by inhaling virus particles from sneezes, coughs, etc., probably directly touching a victim/carrier or touching particles left on other surfaces

-- the virus apparently is killed by ordinary soap and water, and can be controlled by proper application of sanitary stuff; and it seems the virus also needs cool or chill to thrive (or a warm host body) and may be reduced/killed by heat, sunlight, etc.

unknowns - a bunch:

-- why some folks who have been definitely exposed don't get sick, or get a very mild case

-- why youngsters seem almost immune or get very mild cases

-- no vaccines at present; tests can detect/identify

= = = = =

the hobby will survive if not necessarily thrive during the initial weeks/months of the panic/demic

There are many of us in the hobby eager for a dose(?) shot of sanity and comfort, and that may well be an attraction companions can hold out to healthy hobbyists who have cash in their pockets and desire in their pants.

Since restaurants are closed to customers escept for take out, perhaps it might be attractive for companions to offer light meals and "sweet desserts" or at least a friendly face.

For those hesitant to engage fully, perhaps "cuddle-mania" could work; clothes on, no kissing, just hugging, snuggling and friendly conversation.

Since restaurants and other venues are foreclosing major Meet & Greets, I know one organizer considering "mini-meets" possibly in a hotel suite, in which six to eight gents and ladies "brown bag" a lunch or if the suite has a kitchenette, making some light meals; liquor, beer, wine, etc.

As for P4P in the above, not allowed during the mini-meet.

Hoping some of the above helps explain what might really be happening.... I know most of the "spas" seem to operating but very low key, if at all.

Individuals are still BCD -- see adverts and reviews as evidence. But not as frequently as two weeks or more ago, it would seem.

Just be careful out there. Stick with regulars, ATFs, and known quantities.

= = = = =

All of the above is just my educated opinion and conclusion.

Lets be judicious in casting replies, doubts, conclusions, etc.