Companion's Handle: Curvygirl
Date of Visit: January 2020
Preferred Method of Contact: text
Phone Number: 682-540-1191
Email Address:
Website, Ad, or Profile URL:
City, State: North Fort Worth, Texas
Location: Very clean, private residential area
Type of Visit: Incall
Was the Appointment On-Time?? yes
Scheduled Length of Visit: 1 hr
Approximate age of Companion:
Hair Color and Length:
Smoking Status: no
Ethnic/Racial background:
Companion Description: Classy, very attractive, great conversation, great smile, strong legs. Her pictures are accurate, but she is so much better in person.
Meet or Exceed Your Expectations?? exceeded
Would You Recommend this Companion?? without hesitation

Public comments:
Wow, where does one start? Curvygirl is fabulous. Witty, confident, strong and just exudes sexuality. Her photos show off her strength and beauty and those heels, oh those heels, accentuate her great legs. What Shoeman wouldn't approve? If you want a real woman who provides great conversation and is a really nice person then you found her. She kept this Shoeman from PDX very happy.

Until my next visit, be well