I've had this fantasy that I've been wanting to try. The providers I've been with know that I love the female body more than anything, especially the most unassuming parts; the warm and delicate underboob, the back of the knees, curvy thick calves, the butt crease, and the ass (especially the inside of the cheeks and the o), and last but not least...lips...both sets!

I've always had this fantasy: I'd love to drizzle honey, then rub it in with my tongue and then lick it off. The beauty behind honey is it leaves a lasting lingering taste, so when you think you're done and go back later and lick again... It'll still be sweet. What's even hotter is I feel like in the warmer spots...like between the cheeks and under the boob, the honey would warm up and and become slightly more viscous and spread more/absorb more. I don't think I'd be able to stop licking... I wonder if you could drizzle it on the labia and clit without it causing issues with ph etc. I'd go to town...and stay there!

And now I'm rock hard. Thank you for the unecessary boner, imagination .