I view each companion as a unique service provider. What makes any service or service provider desirable depends on the wants of the client base or supply, demand and the product mix inclusive of pricing strategies. I proffer that being a service provider is a profession that requires an appropriate education, strategic and operational business plans as well as a marketing strategy. The objective service providers are usually trying to achieve is a consistent experience that meets or exceeds expectations at the highest price the market will bear and still keep clients coming back.

On on the other hand, clients are usually seeking a service provider that meets their specialialized needs at a price that is within their budget OR perceived as a value. Hence, specials are an excellent way for most businesses in a service economy including an adult entertainment consultancy or sexually oriented business to grow at a sustainable rate, create demand during lean economic times and cultivate the type of clients the service provider finds desirable.

I operate on the premise that value like beauty is in the mind's eye of the beholder. As long as a service provider does not use a special as an masquerade to upsell clients OR take the cash and dash then all should be good. Moreover, I would also consider it poor form for an admirer to leverage a special as an excuse to haggle and cheat providers by attempting to exploit what may be perceived as a financial weakness.

From my vantage point there is a distinct difference between clarifying what specific services are included in a provider's special and haggling with the intent to undermine a provider's stated price structure. If offered I would definitely appreciate a discount-notice I stated if offered. Having said that there are some companions beyond my reach financially from whom I might welcome a special discount in the form of a frequent flyer plan.

On the other hand, after almost a year of observations from the sidelines I find there are definitely some companions that are probably not a good fit for me or not probable to create a mutually enjoyable experience no matter how little they are willing to bill me for their time. Furthermore, I find that the most interesting specials are usually posting around the time rent is due or in close proximity to certain holidays. I'm just saying!