Quote Originally Posted by WellEndowed1911 View Post

Please tell me what your link has to do with the links I posted showing that the cartels have built tunnels to smuggle whatever they want into the U.S?
Hypothetically, do you think if the Wall gets built that the cartels are going to say: “that’s it we are done - there’s no way our drugs are getting through?”
You are turning this into a liberal vs conservative battle which I am not going in that direction. Both sides have good and bad ideas but you are obviously 100 percent conservative - I could easily post 100’s of links of falsehoods on Fox News.

However, answer the question how will a wall stop the cartels if they are smuggling items underground ?
The wall by itself will not and can not stop every assault that the wealthy cartels will throw at it. Be it tunnels, explosives, elaborate laddering schemes...but it will deter the thousands to tens of thousands who can, and are freely and simply walking across the border. The walls in San Diego and El Paso and a few other places are stopping 90% of illegal crossing. Heck CNN’s Acusta pointed that out just the other day with video showing how well the wall was working. Really couldn’t have said it better myself. Many of the tunnels have been found and stopped and a lot of those tunnels before they were completed. If we can take a huge work load off the border patrol workers from dealing with thousands upon thousands simply walking across they can refocus and seek out the tunnels. Still probably won’t be 100% effective but just a 50% reduction pays for the wall over and over and that number goes up with even more reduction and imagine what 90% would save us.

We need to deter the masses so we can fine tune the skills and tech to get the wealthy more cleaver ones going underground or over by air. Yes some use boats and planes and we have the Coast Guard working on the gulf and Pacific Ocean. Yes they use planes and yes we need much better planes for the border patrol to use. But I say we fund the USAF a little more and improve our radar and send a few fighter jets their way and those cartel planes will slow way down. As it is now they simply have better and faster planes then we do.

We are not stating that every immigrant crossing is a criminal with a criminal record or has criminal intentions but they are crossing illegally which by definition makes them a criminal. But take all of those folks trying for a better life and the American dream out of the equation for a moment, we still have, over the past two years, approximately 4,000 criminal aliens that have been arrested for homicide, 30,000 for sex crimes, over a 100,000 for violent assaults that we have caught after crossing the border. Who knows the number we missed! These crimes are against American citizens! In 2018, 17,000 individuals with criminal records were apprehended trying to cross this border, 60,000 inadmissible or illegal immigrants are turned away from our borders every single month. And over the last few weeks 20,000 children were smuggled or trafficked into the United States. This cannot be acceptable to any of us! This is not a manufactured crisis! We need to open our eyes this is real!

Let’s build the wall and have the wall slow this all down by 90% and reform the current immigration system that both parties are happy with to help all the ones wanting a better life and American dream to come across legally.

We need to stop illegal immigration and support legal immigration plain and simple.