Good evening, everyone. I understand that companions here have a hard time with verifying people and trying to decipher between the real and the fake. I had a situation today that I regret happened and I wish I could change it. I will never mention a companion in a negative way. As a matter of fact, this particular companion is someone I’ve wanted to see because I always felt she was awesome.

Let me give a little background information.

For the past 11 years, I’ve seen women on Craigslist and Backpage. I still have a few regulars I see from backpage. However, I started visiting Eccie after backpage went down then Ourhome2 after Eccie went down. Back in March, I saw a companion in Fort Worth. She serves as a reference for me because we both had an amazing time. In June, while i was visiting Austin, I sent a PM to a companion. Then I went to check the ad again and quickly realized that the ad mentioned NO BLACK MEN. So I immediately replied to the PM I sent and apologized. Her response was “if you don’t tell, I won’t tell”. Then we arranged a date and had a great time. She was actually an incredible provider. However, she forbade me from writing a review because she didn’t want to be associated with having been with a black man. Whatever her reasoning was, I totally respected that and never wrote a review. So that’s a provider I could not use as a reference.

On Monday, I saw a provider and had a great time. She was amazing. We actually texted each other after our date.

Last night, some time after 10, I ran across an ad of the companion I mentioned at the beginning. I PM’s her and followed with a text. We went back and forth. She was trying to get me verified. She told me that the companion I saw on Monday never responds to reference requests, so it now looked like i still had only one reference. This companion tried getting me verified last night. I was ready and willing to go see her last night. Unfortunately, it was too late and the reference wasn’t able to respond.

Today, I received a text from the companion stating that I was finally verified. I have been in training all week from 8:30 until 4:30/5:00 every day. This companion and I agreed to hook up today. When I asked her availability, she said she was pretty much open. I wanted to see her at 6:30. But she said that she has something else going on from 5-7. She said she could do 8:30. The group I am with discussed having an evening get together, but they kept wavering on it. I told her about the pending plans and she asked me to let her know ASAP so she can book someone else, if need be. I told her I’d let her know ASAP.

The meeting with the group was confirmed, so I immediately let the companion know. I let her know that I was available tomorrow after my training. She said she was fully booked. I just let her know that this particular evening wouldn’t work at the time she wanted because of the mandatory meeting i had to go to. Had we discussed it further, we probably could have set it up for late evening. Instead, she sent me a text saying I wasted her time and ordering me to never contact her again.

I was very disappointed by this. It was an unfortunate situation and some unfortunate events that led to us not being able to see each other. I was just taken aback by the comment of never contacting her again. I have never had an issue with a companion from any site. I truly am sorry that this happened, but it was kind of out of my control. I could have seen her last night, if all verification went through in time. Since that didn’t happen, the timing just didn’t work out.

I was able to see an amazing companion within the original timeframe that I wanted to schedule with this particular companion. So it definitely worked out for me in the end, I just regret that a possible bridge was burned without me meaning to burn it.