I read the the thread OH2 Errors https://home.ourhome2.net/showthread...130-OH2-Errors This is the same thing, only different. actually saw some folks posting very similar situations. here is my story, and i should say i have reached out to CK and he has been responsive and made suggestions and comments but the problem persists.

everything works great from my phone. my lap top has the issue of a msg telling me my IP address has been blocked by the administrator. this happens sometimes, maybe more times than not. but i've logged on twice today so ... not all the time. i have tried chrome, firebird, and puffin. i use private mode so clearing the cache should not be an issue as private mode does not keep urls and is supposed to clear the cache each time you close the browser. i don't use a vpn though i have tried it and do use it when i access xhamster.com because that site cannot be accessed if the site recognizes the ip address as being in texas.

part of the puzzling thing is ... why sometimes successful and other times, not? if it is hardware, shouldn't fail all the time? is there a way to determine if it is on my end or the site? if anyone has suggestions, as mickey mouse said, i'm all ears. (i am also tired of seeing my msgs peppered with question marks when i used an apostrophe, but that is a nit.)

anyone else having this problem?