Companion's Handle: Angieeelopez53
Date of Visit: 05/09/2024
Preferred Method of Contact: text
Phone Number: 346-314-0901
Email Address:
Website, Ad, or Profile URL:
City, State: Houston, Texas
Location: Heights
Type of Visit: Incall
Was the Appointment On-Time?? Yes
Scheduled Length of Visit: 30 Minutes
Donation: RS
Approximate age of Companion: 30
Hair Color and Length: LONG/RED HAIR THIS TIME
Smoking Status: NON
Ethnic/Racial background: Hispanic
Companion Description: Shorter than 5'11 but not too short. Sexy, curvy in the right places.
Meet or Exceed Your Expectations?? EXCEED ALWAYS!
Would You Recommend this Companion?? YES!

Public comments:
I have probably made 2 reviews or so about Angie.; But, I've seen Angie many many times.
Been a minute since I've seen her due to life getting in the way. I was in the area and I made sure I paid her a visit after months of not seeing her. NEVER DISAPPOINTS. TREAT HER NICE AND WELL AND SHE WILL SHOW YOU THE SAME RESPECT BACK. She's amazing! She literally might be the BEST DT QUEEN in Houston. You have not lived if you have not experienced her DT skills.

Sent her a text that I arrived. She quickly replied back and off we go. Una MUJER INCREIBLE EN EL OTRO LADO DE LA PUERTA. SEXY SEXY SEXY.

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