Companion's Handle: RainDrop
Date of Visit: 10/24/2023
Preferred Method of Contact: phone
Phone Number: 9725035608
Email Address:
Website, Ad, or Profile URL:
City, State: Austin, Texas
Location: Domain
Type of Visit: incall
Was the Appointment On-Time?? No
Activities: None. No show. Ghosted after I arrived at location.
Scheduled Length of Visit: HHR
Donation: $200
Approximate age of Companion: Uknown
Hair Color and Length: Unknown
Smoking Status: Unknown
Ethnic/Racial background: Unknown
Companion Description: Unknown. I am not sure if her pics are accurate.
Meet or Exceed Your Expectations?? Disappointed
Would You Recommend this Companion?? No

Public comments:
Originally scheduled at 10:00PM.
Later told she would be ready at 10:20PM
I ok'd either way because it's hard to find another companion at this time.
Texted on my way, she OKd.
Texted when I arrived. She ghosted.
First time this happens to me which is why it is the first time I write a review.

Can provide proof of text exchange if needed.