Companion's Handle: Miss Sushi

Date of Visit: May 15, 2024

Preferred Method of Contact: text

Phone Number: (512) 975-6376

Email Address:

Website, Ad, or Profile URL:

City, State: Austin, TX

Location: north 183

Type of Visit: incall

Was the Appointment On-Time? More or less

Activities: GFE

Scheduled Length of Visit: half hour

Donation: 250 + coffee and donuts

Approximate age of Companion: 32

Hair Color and Length: dark and shoulder length

Smoking Status: smoker

Ethnic/Racial background: white

Companion Description: Pics are pretty accurate. A little heavier than pre-baby. Not a spinner but def not fat. Pretty average body.

Meet or Exceed Your Expectations?? Meet (but I knew she was good)

Would You Recommend this Companion?? Yes

Public comments:

The rest of the story: I had only seen her once and it was years ago…but she seems the same. She’s super nice and easy to have a session with once you get in the room. She gave me the option of “naughty or nice lingerie”. Getting into the room is the tricky part.

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