Hello everyone, I hope you are doing well. I have been on the board for a long time but to be honest I found the one provider that was everything I wanted. So I haven't done much more than lurk for the past 4 years. Sadly things change and my change was lymphoma. I have known since December 2022 and the chemo has gotten me to a point that I feel mostly back to normal (except for some bad days) . There are new limitations and realities with my new physical condition. But I won't bore you with the specifics.

In all honesty I would be just fine to continue seeing the provider I have always seen but I am worried that the fact I am sick and I inevitably talk about my condition is making her worry to the point she has been pulling away. So my first question is if a longtime client were to get sick how would you treat them or the situation?

Facing end of life type events have made me desire new experiences and want to meet new people. To be clear though I am going to be ok, unless something catastrophic happens during treatment. I feel that cancer and explaining my situation might scare some girls off. So my second question is how would you react to meeting a new client that you know is sick?