Companion's Handle: Secret Baby
Date of Visit: 2/23/2023
Preferred Method of Contact: TEXT
Phone Number: (469) 672-3099
Website, Ad, or Profile URL:
City, State: SA, TX
Type of Visit: OC
Was the Appointment On-Time?? NO
Activities: SCAMMING
Scheduled Length of Visit: 1
Donation: 100
Approximate age of Companion: 35
Hair Color and Length: BLACK
Smoking Status: N/A
Ethnic/Racial background: BLACK
Companion Description: N/A
Meet or Exceed Your Expectations?? NO
Would You Recommend this Companion?? NO

Public comments:
So IDK which thread this should be posted in, IDK if its an Alert but Ill try to make this short. So I saw and did a review on Secret Baby on Eccie. She was the best experience I've had hobbying, full disclosure I do not hobby much. Anyway, I saw her post and was excited, I couldn't believe she was in town because she somewhat retired and stopped responding and posting over a year ago. I've been traveling back to Dallas since covid cleared some and could never get a reply. So she responded, went back and forth, she told me she does not meet without a deposit. I have never and will never again do a deposit but I slipped up because I had met her before and she delivered. We scheduled for the next day in the morning and she sent me a text: GM, "I'm waiting on you", i responded and all was setup. Sent the deposit and she ghost. No more responses, I really believe she wasn't even in town and based on the posts I saw today she is pulling this in a few areas. I could not log into OH2 on at least 3 different days since, kept getting the error message. I just want to get this out so she doesn't play anyone else. This reaffirms my stance on deposit and I hate to admit stings some because of who it was. I hope this helps somebody keep their $. Cash app was: I have the text messages/receipts if needed.