Hello, hello.~

And a very good early Monday evening to my very favorite consortium of deviants.~ After quite a few trials and more than enough error, I do believe I've figured out a fairly reliable, yet suitably secure method for logging on (yay!) To celebrate, I thought it might be nice to inquire your minds of important erotic matters: of the literary kind. <3 ;)

I've been re-discovering my love of good fiction recently, after a great stretch of nothing but historical chronicles, the occasional memoir, and various types of news journalism.
In particular, I've rekindled my love of sci-fi; and am currently recovering from the short story "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream" by Harlan Ellison (it's one of those curious works that you can say with complete honesty is brilliant, well written, and compelling but then still have trouble recommending to others. If you've not ever picked it up and want to, just be prepared for it to follow through on the, uh. . . vibe - that its title imparts).
I've also been diving into the expansive world of Wahammer40K - just the books, so far - the actual miniature game involves a tad too much assemblage for me (and my dainty, weak, soft little hands ._.).

But I've been thinking of adding another genre to the repertoire, that being romance.~ Though I will say I've done a fair bit of research into SW and the various organizations, resources and policy surrounding it, it occurs to me that I might be missing an element. One that could even prove inspiring, or at the very least - fun. <3
Unfortunately, a great deal of the extant non-fiction writings and research (mostly written from an outside looking in POV, of course) specifically around SW does tend to be pretty depressing. If one looks hard enough, there are some good blogs and other e-book type stuff, and even a few particularly good ones in print. But the one can't overlook the fact that it's simply kinda a niche subject to begin with, under the large and diverse umbrella that is sexual writing.

So! If you have a story, book, or other romance/sexual/erotic themed literary piece you think is to die for - please, don't be shy.~
It doesn't at all even need to have explicitly sexual content (though, I must admit, the possibility exists that I'd be delighted if it did. ;)
I cordially invite any/all recommendations and/or opinions from any/all Oh2 peeps. <3 I'd be happy to hear of any compelling nonfiction, too. There are even a few bigger titles in that vein that I've yet to touch: the Kama Sutra comes to mind, for one. I'd be interested to hear any thoughts: I've delved into slimmed down abridgements, but never the full text. ~

Please, feel free to let me know if I've been missing out - on that, or anything you find sexy involving the written word.~ <3