Hi all, I posted this in Fort Worth but meant to post here.
I’m just getting kind of paranoid due to the law change last fall and want to know your opinions.
I only ever reach out to verified providers on here and have visited some sporadic AMPs around the area which have gone smoothly.

My question is this: can law enforcement investigate and charge me weeks/months after I met up with these providers? What would they need to do so? Am I over thinking this?
I saw a couple of cops while out for a walk this evening and they were patrolling my neighborhood.
Police are never in my neighborhood so, my anxiety prone self started to think it was for me and that they’ve been investigating me and will eventually come to get me.
I know that sounds crazy, sorry.

To make it worse I’ve been lazy and have been using my real phone member :/
I know it’s a dumb thing to do.