Agency/Spa/Club Name, Companion's Handle: A+ Massage, Linda
Date of Visit: 5/30/2022
Preferred Method of Contact: walk-in
Phone Number: 726-205-8899
Email Address:
Website, Ad, or Profile URL:
City, State: San Antonio, Texas
Location: Shavano Park
Type of Visit: Walk-in
Was the Appointment On-Time?? n/a
Activities: fbms, L3 cbj/mpcfs
Length of Visit: 1 hour
Donation: $60+ $140
Approximate age of Companion: 30s
Hair Color and Length: Black, pulled back
Smoking Status: n/a
Ethnic/Racial background: Chinese
Companion Description: under 5', A little pudgy, b-cups, flat ass, no tats, full bush
Meet or Exceed Your Expectations?? meet
Would you recommend this Agency/Spa?? yes
Would You Recommend this Companion?? yes

Public comments:
I've been to this spot 3x before but this was my first time seeing Linda. I've received up to L2 here before but last masseuse [lulu?] seemed receptive to L3 & i was needing a happy ending to the 3 day weekend. Unfortunately, she wasn't available but Linda was. Her english was limited but I got the point across & she said ok pretty quickly. Nice to find an L3 place in my neck of the woods, now I just need to bag Lulu next visit.