Agency/Spa/Club Name, Companion's Handle: 8 (Eight) Spa, Sandra
Date of Visit: 9/12/21
Preferred Method of Contact: Walk in
Phone Number: 210-646-0906
Email Address:
Website, Ad, or Profile URL:
City, State: San Antonio, Texas
Location: Corner of Thousand Oaks and Nacogdoches
Type of Visit: In
Was the Appointment On-Time?? No appt
Activities: Massage, quick hj, quick cbj, cfs, hj
Length of Visit: Hour
Donation: 🙄60+140
Approximate age of Companion: 30s, 40s, you can never tell with Asians
Hair Color and Length: Black, shoulder length
Smoking Status: Unsure
Ethnic/Racial background: Asian
Companion Description: Taller for an Asian, maybe 5'7, slender. Small, yet nice butt, probably B-cup breasts, smooth skin, sexy neck and collarbones
Meet or Exceed Your Expectations?? Nope
Would you recommend this Agency/Spa?? This is the only bad experience I've had at establishment
Would You Recommend this Companion?? No, although your experience might differ

Public comments:
Needed some relief and rather than hitting up 7 star or Malibu, which are my typical go-to, I thought "why not go to 8, as I haven't been there in a few months." Called ahead and the owner (who is a nice lady for those who have met her, and will even give you an amazing hj every now and then) told me she had three girls available right then. I get there, no cars in the parking lot, owner's vehicle is gone, walk in, and I'm greeted at the counter by "Sandra." I always like to see who is available, so I ask, and she says it's just her. She's cute, so no problem. Pay my fee and head back to room. Once in the room, I ask for her name, and she hesitates for a solid 5 seconds, before saying "Sandra." Now, maybe she forgot her English name, or maybe she knew I was about to not have fun... Standard spa massage with a little tickling of the boys while I was face down, which I like, so my hopes are getting higher. Then I flip.... see ROS

After walking back to my mode of transportation, I thought "hmm, I wonder if I'd be pressing my luck by just going to Malibu (since it's only a couple miles up Naco) or should I cut my losses...." I'm going to blame my truck and say it had a mind of it's own as it drove me to Malibu, but thank goodness it did. Malibu review coming right up.

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