first time offense now a FELONY in texas
Texas ONLY state to make prostitution a third degree FELONY----FIRST offense, -for BOTH girl and john

Solicitation of Prostitution Under the New Texas Penal Code §43.021
Under the new Texas law, it remains a crime to solicit prostitution even if no money is exchanged
(or other form of payment) and/or no sexual conduct transpires.
It remains a crime in Texas merely to ASK FOR SEX in exchange for any type of payment.
What is changing is the severity of punishment:
the new law increases the potential sentence facing anyone convicted of the crime of solicitation of prostitution.

Beginning September 1st, the arrested john will be charged with the new crime of “Solicitation of Prostitution
” under Texas Penal Code §43.021 and will be facing a state jail felony or a 3rd degree felony sentence
, .
Those convicted of a state jail felony face incarceration for a time period ranging from six months (180 days) to two years
along with a monetary fine of up to $10,000. Texas Penal Code §12.35.