How do you, girls chime in here as well, about tipping and gifts?

I have an ATF who has numerous clients. She tells me only one other guy ever tips her. And her skills and attitude are off the chain so I know it's not that. And she never complains about not getting a tip from guys. But there's been times when she says I forgot my money and I have to remind her that's a tip. And I know she's doing, like, 50 to 60 session a month so the math says that about 4% of her sessions are tipping. I ask WTF?

For Christmas I got her a flower arrangement with her cash gift pinned all through the arrangement in smaller bills. Of course she loved it and she said no one ever does that kind of thing. I realized I could be getting lied to here, but...

I have a budget, no one budgets like I do, but it always includes a tip. And I know you'll think this is just tooting my own horn or drumming up my own business. But not so friends, really.

So I recently read in a, now closed, post about changing rates and a provider brought up that you could just take the $20 or $30 difference out of the tip. And that's exactly what I would have done. And I'm not trying to reopen that post. It's closed for a reason where it should be. But I digress.

I play a lot in San Antonio but my Austin providers say the same thing about tipping here in Austin as well. So I don't think it's just a San Antonio thing. I've posted this is the SATx coed forum to see what each area has to say.

The real question is whether or not you tip, or get tipped

And why or why not?

As always... Stay Safe! Happy Hobbying!!