So, nearing 40 I’m blessed I can be a dude that can get off 2 in 30 min and 3 in an hour. I’m a freak with Time And manage it well (meaning I never overstay my welcome).

I’ve ran into many great providers that are like sure just be able to walk your ass out of here.. lol

There are others that have the MSOG only for an hour and 2 max. I actually challenge myself to get 3 off in under 50 min, weirdo like that.

Any hoot, what are your thought on this. As a hobbyist, I’d like to know these rules if any beforehand so I can figure out how I should have fun. Again, I do not stay past the service booking time but if there’s still 20 on the clock, I’d be out in 10 anyway.

Thoughts? Is this hobbyist greediness, if it is, let me know. I do appreciate all services I’ve gotten, especially the ones that accommodate that extra, within booked time of course.