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Thread: Does anybody watch the NFL anymore??

  1. #16
    Verified Hobbyist BCD tbone2u's Avatar
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    I don't watch the NFL anymore either since the kneeling during the anthem started. This year....I won't be watching any professional sports.
    I don't really like others social matters pushed down my throat. The anthem thing is personal for me so it's my choice to not watch. Everyone has a choice.

    What I find ironic is the BLM co-founder, Charles Wade, was arrested in 2016 for Child Sex Trafficking which means to me that he was arrested for modern day slave trafficking......go figure.

    I'm more of a believer in All Lives Matter. None is more important than another.

  2. #17
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
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    Quote Originally Posted by tbone2u View Post
    I don't watch the NFL anymore either since the kneeling during the anthem started. This year....I won't be watching any professional sports.
    I don't really like others social matters pushed down my throat. The anthem thing is personal for me so it's my choice to not watch. Everyone has a choice.

    What I find ironic is the BLM co-founder, Charles Wade, was arrested in 2016 for Child Sex Trafficking which means to me that he was arrested for modern day slave trafficking......go figure.

    I'm more of a believer in All Lives Matter. None is more important than another.
    If you believe all lives matter, then you believe black lives matter. Saying all lives matter is just an asshat way to say “the attention is not on me, and I want attention”.

    If players kneeling offends people that much then they are snowflakes. Grow up.

  3. #18
    Registered Male (Not Verified)
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    All lives do matter. This is only an issue when a black person is killed by a white person.

    The 60 million kids who have been aborted in this country since the early 70's, their lives matter as well.

    This country complains...we need workers, we need workers....but yet we have killed off 60 million people. (15-18% of our current population)
    Imagine what they would do to our work force numbers.
    People say...who is going to support these 60 million people...
    IT will be the same people Who are supporting all the America hating "my country" third worlders we are bringing in here.
    Last edited by grand1001; 07-27-2020 at 08:38 AM.

  4. #19
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
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    Quote Originally Posted by grand1001 View Post
    All lives do matter. This is only an issue when a black person is killed by a white person.

    The 60 million kids who have been aborted in this country since the early 70's, their lives matter as well.

    This country complains...we need workers, we need workers....but yet we have killed off 60 million people. (15-18% of our current population)
    Imagine what they would do to our work force numbers.
    People say...who is going to support these 60 million people...
    IT will be the same people Who are supporting all the America hating "my country" third worlders we are bringing in here.

    By saying “all lives matter” that means “black lives matter” black lives belong in that “all”

    No, the issue is police killing African Americans at an insanely high rate and not receiving any repercussions.

    Also, you’re more worried about abortion than people who are already alive? You preach “all lives matter” but don’t mention kids being held in cages at the border? Do their lives matter? You complain about fetus abortion and then insult immigrants seconds later. Don’t immigrants lives matter?

    Stop hiding behind “all lives matter” and just admit you don’t believe that and just hate the fact that minorities are requiring equality. You’re against abortion but don’t give a shit about people who are currently alive right now.

  5. #20
    Registered Male (Not Verified)
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    I am against abortion. First off, it's not up to us to decide when a person lives or dies.
    Killing off your own population is a civilization in decline.

    Six million died in the holocaust and 60 million kids have been killed since the early 70's here in America.

    I am very concerned about the black on white crime. It's a much, much higher percentage than white people committing crimes against black people and white people murdering black people.

    Again, and as many people have stated, including many, many black people...this is only an issue when a white person kills a black person.

    There are better ways to handle things instead of burning down towns, destroying businesses(mainly minority owned), vandalizing Churches, and killing people.
    Last edited by grand1001; 07-28-2020 at 09:39 AM.

  6. #21
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
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    Quote Originally Posted by grand1001 View Post
    I am against abortion. First off, it's not up to us to decide when a person lives or dies.
    Killing off your own population is a civilization in decline.

    Six million died in the holocaust and 60 million kids have been killed since the early 70's here in America.

    I am very concerned about the black on white crime. It's a much, much higher percentage than white people committing crimes against black people and white people murdering black people.

    Again, and as many people have stated, including many, many black people...this is only an issue when a white person kills a black person.

    There are better ways to handle things instead of burning down towns, destroying businesses(mainly minority owned), vandalizing Churches, and killing people.

    I don’t remember “all lives matter” being there when the planned Parenthood in Colorado was shot up. I don’t remember all lives matter being there when Dylan Roof shot up a black church in Carolina while preaching the same thing you are saying. You don’t care about all lives. You care that black people are wanting equality. You’re worried about fetuses (not people) that have not been born yet but have done nothing about the children (Alive and born) that are in cages at the border.

    You have an issue with vandalism of property but don’t care about the lives stolen by police. Black and white isn’t the issue (Freddie gray) it is a police brutality issue.

    Also, in 2013 the difference in white on black crime and black on white crime was 5%. Not the “much higher” lie you’re pushing.
    Compared to the police murder rate of blacks being killed over 50% as often by police despite being only 13% of the population. You don’t think all lives matter, you just don’t like black people.

    Also, killing people? You mean like the alt right asshole who drove into a crowd to kill peaceful protesters???

    Your “it’s not us to decide who lives or dies” is kind of a front too. It’s ok for the POLICE to decide who lives or dies, but when it comes to fetuses (not people) a woman’s body is in YOUR hand to decide? It just feels disingenuous. If all lives matter you would be upset about other things, instead you just complain about black people and want to control women’s bodies.

    Using YOUR logic however, if “all lives matter” that means that black lives matter. So you agree, black lives matter.

  7. #22
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    Police shoot whites nearly twice as many times as blacks, at least for the last 4 years.

    And I've not searched but a good guess is that blacks shoot more blacks than the police do, all races combined.

  8. #23
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Skajules's Avatar
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    Militarism is political

    When they do flyovers or honor veterans at games football was already political

    No one cares about having politics in football if it's politics they agree with. Some just go full snowflake when it's someone else's.

    Go get concussions for my entertainment but don't you dare bring politics I don't agree with into the game! Sad

    go Texans

  9. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by R1966 View Post
    Police shoot whites nearly twice as many times as blacks, at least for the last 4 years.

    And I've not searched but a good guess is that blacks shoot more blacks than the police do, all races combined.
    Don’t quote statistics you don’t understand. Yes more white people are shot, almost twice as many! That would make sense except for the fact that 60% of America is white, and 13% is black. So while there is 4.6 TIMES as many white people in America, they only get shot twice as much? The proportion is all messed up. Black people are shot at a higher rate, the link you quoted proves that.

    Also, surprise, black people kill the most black people. Guess who kills the most white people? You guess yet? White people! What about Asians? Mexicans? People kill their own race, that has been a trend since the 70s. Plus people killing people is apples to oranges. People killing people is ILLEGAL, and if I am caught on film killing someone I go to jail. If a cop is on film killing someone they get paid vacation. That’s where the problem is, so pointing out that black people kill each other doesn’t even matter in this discussion. Instead of pulling up statistics that prove us correct, maybe just admit you’re racist and don’t care when police abuse their authority and kill people.

  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skajules View Post
    Militarism is political

    When they do flyovers or honor veterans at games football was already political

    No one cares about having politics in football if it's politics they agree with. Some just go full snowflake when it's someone else's.

    Go get concussions for my entertainment but don't you dare bring politics I don't agree with into the game! Sad

    go Texans
    Exactly, trumpers love calling people snowflake and sensitive but then cry like bitches when someone kneels during a song. “Don’t bring politics to football!” While singing the anthem for NO reason, flying over (using our tax money btw) for NO REASON, knowing the nfl has a partnership with the armed forces where the accept payment from the military to highlight them, and promote their agenda. “It’s ok if you get CTE, and possibly die, but don’t you DARE stand up for social injustice!” Talk about babies

  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Asapbeard View Post
    Don’t quote statistics you don’t understand. Yes more white people are shot, almost twice as many! That would make sense except for the fact that 60% of America is white, and 13% is black. So while there is 4.6 TIMES as many white people in America, they only get shot twice as much? The proportion is all messed up. Black people are shot at a higher rate, the link you quoted proves that.

    Also, surprise, black people kill the most black people. Guess who kills the most white people? You guess yet? White people! What about Asians? Mexicans? People kill their own race, that has been a trend since the 70s. Plus people killing people is apples to oranges. People killing people is ILLEGAL, and if I am caught on film killing someone I go to jail. If a cop is on film killing someone they get paid vacation. That’s where the problem is, so pointing out that black people kill each other doesn’t even matter in this discussion. Instead of pulling up statistics that prove us correct, maybe just admit you’re racist and don’t care when police abuse their authority and kill people.

    I do understand statistics so don't insult my intelligence. And, from your posting, you certainly shouldn't be calling anyone racist without looking in the mirror. I have plenty of black friends - nothing wrong with educated, hard-working, law-abiding black people, Asian people, Mexicans, etc. Where's the social injustice there? They've made something of themselves, not sitting around in self-pity and looking for the next handout to keep them voting Democratic.

    By the way, that 13% commit over 50% of violent crimes. And the cop who choked out George is in jail on murder and manslaughter charges, not on paid vacation, and likely waiting on trial -- it's called the Justice System. The judge and jury will decide his fate.

    Don't ever recall white people burning and looting their neighborhoods when a cop kills a white person.

    And if this discussion is about watching NFL or other sports, personally I don't. But those players are employees of their respective teams and are supposed to follow what the boss says. If they're told to stand, they should (or get fired - if your boss told you to do something, and you refused, you'd probably be fired or disciplined). Plus, it's disrespectful to this country, the many people who died over the course of time to defend this country, etc. They can protest on their time, not their employers. And if they really don't like it here, leave. Plenty of countries they could immigrate too.

  12. #27
    The "Guide" In Black ® Mokoa's Avatar
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    Political discussions and the vitriol they attract are not welcome here. Take them elsewhere.

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    Dale Earnhardt

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