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Thread: But wait a minute, this article says the mouth is dirtier than the vagina

  1. #1
    Verified Companion Companion HunterGrace's Avatar
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    But wait a minute, this article says the mouth is dirtier than the vagina

    So to all you guys that will take a BBBJ but insist on a condom for FS. The mouth is filthy compared to the honey pot. It says so in many medical articles like this one http://

    As for the whole BBBJ vs BBFS, I dare ask: why does the mouth, with a direct hole into the deepest parts of our body get an unprotected penis while......

    Anatomy of The vagina and her great Wall (drum roll please).

    Histological Structure
    The vagina is composed of 4 histological layers (internal to external):

    Stratified squamous epithelium – this layer provides protection and is lubricated by cervical mucus (the vagina itself does not contain any glands).

    Oestrogen stimulates the epithelial cells to secrete glycogen. The glycogen is digested by the natural flora of the vagina to produce lactic acid, and maintain a low vaginal pH of ~4.5. This prevents infection by other organisms.

    Elastic lamina propria – a dense connective tissue layer which projects papillae into the overlying epithelium. The larger veins are located here.

    Together, the lamina propria and epithelium comprise the vaginal mucosa.

    Fibromuscular layer – comprising two layers of smooth muscle; an inner circular and an outer longitudinal layer.

    Adventitia – a fibrous layer, which provides additional strength to the vagina whilst also binding it to surrounding structures.

    I mean. Damn.

    I forgot the rest of my point but hopefully one of y'all will pick up what I'm laying down.

  2. #2
    Administrator ck1942's Avatar
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    Interesting analysis ... and, next time I see you face to face we can discuss the NYT article I just sent you.

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  3. #3
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Loxly's Avatar
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    Always heard that as well but not the "in depth" tutorial you posted. A friend of mine always said, "Candy is dandy, but sex doesn't rot your teeth!"
    Have you ever considered that the "Writing on the Wall" might be a forgery?

    Every time I read a review I keep waiting for Paul Harvey to say, "And now.. the Rest Of The Story."
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  4. #4
    Verified Hobbyist BCD 3daygetaway's Avatar
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    Comment removed...
    Last edited by 3daygetaway; 05-22-2019 at 01:25 PM.

  5. #5
    Verified Companion Companion HunterGrace's Avatar
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    Chicken out?

  6. #6
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Lovinglifeinaustin's Avatar
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    Hail to the V!
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  7. #7
    Verified Hobbyist BCD 3daygetaway's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HunterGrace View Post
    Chicken out?
    It made me laugh, so I posted it but then thought: it added nothing to the conversation and was both demeaning and crass. No need to have that kind of comment just for the courtesy chortle it might’ve brought.

  8. #8
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    I think if we (hard legs) are all honest, we love the feel of nice warm pussy engulfing our dicks. I know I do. In fact, I can’t speak for the ladies, but several years ago when I slid my bare cock inside a nice wet pussy the girl released a welcoming smile saying, “Damn! I love skin on skin vs. latex.”

  9. #9
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
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    Quote Originally Posted by Onei5430 View Post
    I think if we (hard legs) are all honest, we love the feel of nice warm pussy engulfing our dicks. I know I do. In fact, I can’t speak for the ladies, but several years ago when I slid my bare cock inside a nice wet pussy the girl released a welcoming smile saying, “Damn! I love skin on skin vs. latex.”

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    I like this girl

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lovinglifeinaustin View Post
    Hail to the V!

  12. #12
    Verified Hobbyist BCD mathguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HunterGrace View Post
    So to all you guys that will take a BBBJ but insist on a condom for FS. The mouth is filthy compared to the honey pot. It says so in many medical articles like this one http://

    As for the whole BBBJ vs BBFS, I dare ask: why does the mouth, with a direct hole into the deepest parts of our body get an unprotected penis while......

    Anatomy of The vagina and her great Wall (drum roll please).

    Histological Structure
    The vagina is composed of 4 histological layers (internal to external):

    Stratified squamous epithelium – this layer provides protection and is lubricated by cervical mucus (the vagina itself does not contain any glands).

    Oestrogen stimulates the epithelial cells to secrete glycogen. The glycogen is digested by the natural flora of the vagina to produce lactic acid, and maintain a low vaginal pH of ~4.5. This prevents infection by other organisms.

    Elastic lamina propria – a dense connective tissue layer which projects papillae into the overlying epithelium. The larger veins are located here.

    Together, the lamina propria and epithelium comprise the vaginal mucosa.

    Fibromuscular layer – comprising two layers of smooth muscle; an inner circular and an outer longitudinal layer.

    Adventitia – a fibrous layer, which provides additional strength to the vagina whilst also binding it to surrounding structures.

    I mean. Damn.

    I forgot the rest of my point but hopefully one of y'all will pick up what I'm laying down.
    Very nice post Grace!


    I've talked at length about the flora and pH of the vagina which is naturally acidic to kill organisms. The same can be said about the sugars. I've talked about that too. The glycogen you mentioned is what happens to all sugars in our body. Before I get into safety and the right/wrong or should/shouldn't safety aspect I will talk about science.

    All carbohydrates, which are long chains of hyrdo carbon molecules (and oxygen) found in foods, whether it's natural fructose sugar in fruits, processed or unprocessed sucrose (table sugar or sugar cane respectively), complex carbs like starches (found in potatoes and pastas), and so on, they all break down in our body to glucose (the base sugar our body uses). In addition that glucose is processed and stored in the form of a molecule known as, "glycogen". Glycogen is a quick acting energy source. It's available right away. When you bolts out sprinting or running your body is using glycogen stores first to fuel oxidative metabolism. It gets complex and gets into ATP metabolism, pyruvate, and more. But glycogen is primarily stored in the liver and the muscle cells of the body. If you have ever heard the runner's term, "hitting the wall" (which is a dreadful painful feeling for marathon and long distance runners. They have no quick acting glycogen "fuel" left and energy now comes the very long chains of hydro carbons (basically triglycerides) that make up our adipose tissue (i.e. body fat). That's why you will hear about athletes "carb loading". They are trying to load all their muscles and liver and various body parts with carbs that break down to glucose and get stored as glycogen so they can use that fuel source as long as possible.

    Glycogen metabolism, ATP (adenisine-tri-phosphate) metabolism, and all forms of muscular contraction, or metabolism of triglycerides in adipose tissue result in by products that will ultimately lead to a build up of lactic acid.

    This is that "burn" you feel when your muscles are strained. The lactic acid is flooding the muscle and literally burning. As you workout more, or that muscle, it will become much more efficient at repair and removal of lactic acid. Btw the reason guys and girls who weight lift or play sports like to take Creatine Monohydrate is because it loads the muscle cells with ATP, another energy source mentioned above, making the muscle able to do more work (and in turn grow more as a result). I digress though.

    You may remember how I've mentioned in other posts that the vagina contains a lot of healthy bacteria used for killing things and keeping the natural balance of the vagina flora? Lactobacilli are in the vagina and when estrogen levels are high in a healthy reproductive age woman it signals the release of glycogen from the walls of the vagina.

    Guess what the bacteria does? It metabolises the glycogen (it's a process called glycolysis). Remember that I said the by-product of any oxidative metabolism of hydrocarbons (all carbs -> sugars -> glucose "pure" sugar -> glycogen) results in byproduct "waste" in the form of lactic acid?

    So the natural pH of the vagina is always acidic in a normal healthy woman with regular estrogen levels.

    So there are a couple of important things to note about the vagina. It's acidic around a pH of 3.5 to 4.5. This is much more acidic than most of the human body which in general has to stay near 7.4. The pH scale goes from 1 to 14. 7 is considered neutral and is like good tap or spring water. Below 7 is acidic. Above 7 is alkaline (like bleach or chlorine - which is actually sodium hypochlorite). A pH of 1 is the acid level of muriatic acid (also known as hydrochloric acid). If your bodies overall pH goes even to 6.9 you will be in a comma, at 6.8 you die. Same with anything above 7.8. So it's really amazing that the vaginal flora has a pH of 3.5 to 4.5. It's what protects your vagina from invasive pathogens, bad bacteria, infection, etc...

    When you breathe you let out CO2 (carbon dioxide). These are the hydro carbons and oxygen I talked about earlier that are broken down and they also maintain your pH. Breathing normally gets rid of acid as a part of that process too. Breathing too fast hyperventilates and causes too much acid to leave, in turn raising the alkalinity of your body which is not conducive to survival. It will also result in fainting. Just like holding your breath will too. You are now not getting rid of any acid and the pH is going down in your body. At 6.9 you will go into a coma.


    Another note I'll make as a helpful service about how important the metabolism of these hydrocarbons are, and the resulting CO2 we breathe out, is that this is how we lose weight. People think it's something to do with bowel movements, urinating, sweating, etc... No. Sure that can cause a short term gain or loss. But that's a recurring and homeostatic process. It would never result in a net loss of matter or "mass" (weight). Think about a log that burns in a fire. Do you have the same amount of log, or wood, left as you started with when its all burned up? Nope. Do where did it go? It want up in smoke. The smoke is made of carbon dioxide, monoxide, particulates, water vapor, etc... That's how we "burn" calories. Our body is literally a metaphor for a burning fire. All the metabolic processes, especially when you increase activity, increase themselves, and they result in more "burning". We literally "breathe out the fat" mostly as CO2. Yes, if you lose 20lbs over 2mos it's bc you created a healthy imbalance (our body is always trying for homestasis) which resulted in lots more hydrocarbons (triglycerides, etc) getting metabolized and you literally breathed out 20lbs in excess CO2 (primarily). That's how weight loss works. Just wanted to put this out as a favor to those who don't know as much about biochemistry.


    So, with ALL that being said I still dont promote or advocate that girls or guys openly allow things like bbfs to just happen. Certainly not just with anyone. But I'd say the same of a bbbj too so take that for what it's worth.

    Women are slightly more at risk than men for certain serious infections (the only real serious incurable & transmittable one, today, being HIV). It's not safe to do without *any* discretion though.

    You should also get tested *if* you do it. The hobby involves a large network of sex partners potentially and you don't want be unsafe.

    However, it does need to be put into perspective. The chances of HIV with a BBBJ are identical for men (man getting BBBJ from HIV infected girl) and only slightly more for women (girl giving BBBJ to HIV infected man).

    You need to be careful and use discretion for ANY sexual activity that is uncovered. Anal sex is considerably higher for both genders but still very, very low compared to, say, needle users where the chance is ~1 in 149 exposures (so 1 time in 149 exposures to an infected needle the uninfected person would contract it - once). However you move to bbbj or bbfs and it becomes 1 in 2500 exposures (so a person who had sex/bj with an HIV infected partner would need to be exposed, on average, 2,500 times before one transmission/contraction would occur).

    Don't use this to think bbfs is ok. I'm just telling you that the contraction rate and reality, according to the CDC, is roughly the same. The point is you should always use some discretion, choose your partners wisely, not just *anyone*, no matter what activity you plan to do (particularly if any of them are uncovered). I am telling you now though, undoubtedly, a BBBJ still can transmit HIV. Absolutely. Just like BBFS. It's just extremely rare in countries like the US. Especially if you aren't just fucking or sucking *anyone* (that goes for girls & guys both). Even with a super active provider, or hobbyist, how many have had sex with over 2,500 people? And most are the same set of people too. Which makes it even less likely. It's just so, so unlikely unless you are indiscriminate to the hilt, running in some seriously dirty and sketchy circles, or using needles, and so on.

    But.....EVERYONE should use discretion, know something about your partner, and be careful. That's my advise and my science lesson for today folks!


  13. #13
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Chencho's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loxly View Post
    Always heard that as well but not the "in depth" tutorial you posted. A friend of mine always said, "Candy is dandy, but sex doesn't rot your teeth!"
    Ha! What a great quote!
    Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today.

  14. #14
    Basic Hobbyist (unconfirmed) MarkWatney's Avatar
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    Lactic acid, huh? So maybe when we have a bare fuck, it isn't that her pussy feels warm. It's just slowly dissolving your penis.

    That would account for protected sex not having the same sensation, because the pH isn't coming into play.

  15. #15
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
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    Guess that explains why my dick is about 4" shorter and an 1 1/2" thinner than when I started.
    With any luck . by the time I'm 70 I'll be fucking with a dick the size of a pimple.

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