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Thread: Can anyone log into Eccie?

  1. #76
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Crock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by britttany_love View Post
    I never saw a post ever that said that.
    Do you use twitter? Can you tell me what that supposedly legit @ECCIE_net twitter account said on April 17th of this year?

  2. #77
    Verified Companion Companion britttany_love's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crock View Post
    Do you use twitter? Can you tell me what that supposedly legit @ECCIE_net twitter account said on April 17th of this year?
    Typically things put in quotations are what some body else has said. It looks like a post about a board calling it quits and the owner making humor by quoting something someone said was to the reason he pulled the plug. There were also posts made by that account about not panicking and that the board was coming back up, then another one right around the time the status message changed on eccie that said it would be up by the end of that week and it did. I guess someone made all that up too? Why would they post the board was coming back up when it had been down for months if it wasn't. It came back up so they obviously knew something that we didn't.

    You can believe what you want eccie was not making money, the moral was down amongst the ladies because they were so censored, ads were taking hours to be posted costing girls money, you couldnt advertise rates or services or a board that was made for such. Guys were pissed because to strict of rules and points for some pretty lame shit. So many ladies never even reopened there accounts. View counts were low, the variety of ladies was down and not much new talent. Hell even coed was full of boring bs. Sponsors arent going to pay high dollar for ads if there isnt volume getting them hits. Not to mention you're not making money from guys if they arent buying premium access. No money coming in and was a huge reason they brought up charging the ladies and the ladies said good luck with that. To much competition with this site here to float the bill themselves, free advertising multiple times a day, no censored ads, posts, pictures, reviews and so on. Why would you pay for minimal information when you can have everything on another site for free?

    The board was down for like 5 months rebranding and changing everything to comply with sesta/fosta. They took all that time to fix shit to only be up a few months to close it down again (after the got new advertisers and the battle with the credit card companies etc) just to do some little maintenance and bs. You dont really buy that bs do you? Why would they not have already secured their shit and moved servers during that downtime? I'm not coming back with a bang to temporarily close a few months later especially after they know the revenue, the hits, the sponsors etc they lost after the first time. Why didnt they put up a message or a sticky like they do for everything else if it was going to be down for some maintenance?
    Last edited by britttany_love; 12-18-2018 at 11:49 PM.

  3. #78
    The "Guide" In Black ® Mokoa's Avatar
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    At this time it cannot be confirmed that what is on the Twitter feed(s) is true or is even posted by actual ECCIE Staff members.

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  4. #79
    Verified Hobbyist BCD mathguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by winndixie View Post
    But what happens jan 1st 2019 if ck is put in cuffs and this site gets shut down? All the proxies and out of country servers will not matter if the govt. wants him! The hobby will adapt and move on! Although a lot of providers will suffer until the void is filled!
    This part is pretty absurd. Jan 1st 2019 is not a magic day first of all. The law is in effect. The only difference is new USC statutes will be printed. This idea and speculation that they will somehow "attack" in 2019 is a bit silly.

    And, further more why on earth would an agency even care to go after something that is not their target audience? Additionally, no, you are wrong, the offshore servers are a huge reason it's much easier. They don't want "him" (nor anyone else... not really... except those committing serious trafficking violations and child pornography or that have ENORMOUS exposure (i.e. yea I would also have been somewhat worried were I an owner of, say, an ECCIE type place with 500K+ users).

    Btw.... you can't just "shut the sites down". Guys, let me explain something. The owners basically have to voluntarily shut down. There is absolutely no way any government agency can shutdown the vast majority of any of these sites. For one they have zero jurisdiction in most cases. Another problem is they have no idea nor any way to know who owns it (Tor, Onion, VPN proxies, dark web, etc....). Even if they wanted to there is a lengthy process of working with foreign governments, finding where the server is even located, getting cooperation, it would take a GOOD LONG WHILE (even supposing they did want to try to go that far) if the anonymous owner were not simply taking it down on their own (b/c they just didn't want to deal with the hassle or the microscope on them or whatever their reasons).

    It's also just a bit hyperbolic b/c that's not really what they care about so, so much (places like OH2 I mean). Not really. The issue is people who are being forced, coerced, threatened, beaten, drugged, used as drug mules, slave maids, sex slaves, underage labor, etc... Yes, it's technically illegal. Yea. Duhhhhh. All of it is. Always has been. Like....forever basically. But that's not really what they care about. They care about the literally millions of underage girls (and boys), used as drug mules, suicides caused due to forced sex or slave labor, boys/girls taken from other countries, forced to do slave labor, or sex slavery, underage the vast vast majority of the time as well. THAT is the huge concern. No it doesn't make plain jane prostitution legal. But nothing ever did. What they care about are the millions of trafficked women into the US or occurring in the US. By and large that's the major hot button issue.

    Quote Originally Posted by mathguy View Post
    The weird part is why would the web server still be running then? That's so odd...extremely so. And why would the DNS entries still be current on NS and NS2? Also, why would the host provider not simply shut the server down? It's definitely not down b/c like I said you can do the above requests and it responds. You can also ping
    We'll see what happens........

    Quote Originally Posted by Crock View Post
    I don't have any definite answers, but I have three guesses on some of the things you question.

    Keeping the DNS entries current is important if the host wants to be able to bring ECCIE back with a flip of a switch (like if they didn't pay, or there's some Dutch court decision/warrant pending). DNS entries take time to propagate throughout the world.

    I'm less confident about my second guess, which is regarding the server being up. What if it's a multi-homed, shared server? In other words, the hardware is still running because there are other websites being hosted on the same hardware. I have a server at home that has two IP addresses, which allows me to do some cool things. I know they can do a lot more in a NOC.

    And all the cute pages and stuff might just be SOP for them. They replace the customer's files with a standard set of files that shows that there's nothing wrong with their hardware/software and that they've intentionally taken a customer's website offline for some reason.
    Thanks for the comment Crock. Let me try to explain. My questions were basically rhetoric. I wasn't actually asking

    You are correct that DNS entries take time to propagate, though these days they basically make a worldwide propagation within hours (24hrs tops for the most part).
    Now, as for the server being up, you have a decent idea when you refer to the multi-homing (basically in a NOC this is a load balanced and/or shared virtual private server - VPS - cluster typically running on a Hypervisor, VMWare, or other Virtualizor server software).
    However the IP's are still unique.
    And even if you bind a single IP to multiple virtual servers using the hosts file in Apache by adding <Virtual Host> directives you still wouldn't have the domain (in this case "") respond to the request unless the server were actually alive.

    I've run a packet analysis on it as well as FF dev tools and Google dev toolbox. The server is up. The packet response is a 403 forbidden.

    You are going in the right direction and have some good ideas but it's not exactly that. The server is alive. They just voluntarily took the files offline by making anonymous public access forbidden (which results in a 403). You can do this easily by opening up Google Dev Toolbox, load the page, and check the HTTP response headers for they will come back with 403.

    Anyway, yes, it appears to be voluntarily left for dead. And soon you will see the true 404 URL not found error once the host provider shuts them down. Thanks for the comments though and taking time to read my reply. Appreciate your input.

    The last thing I'm going to say is similar to what CK already said. Chill folks. There is this site. Others will be around. I also have it on good authority (through a very reputable source) that another one is coming online soon. Take a breather. Relax. It's all good. Girls too. Trust me, it's called the oldest profession in the world for a reason. A simple anti-trafficking law that essentially updates some safe harbor language and adds some other threatening type wording, oh by the way, all while still conflicting with various other free speech rights, freedom of information, activism/acts/rights/etc, and so on, is not going to stop it. Not even close. It will help with various trafficking issues though (to an extent). As it should. Those are not good. Not good at all.

    Last edited by mathguy; 12-19-2018 at 04:13 AM.

  5. #80
    Verified Companion Companion
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    I think it may be down for good but I hope not

  6. #81
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    I get all tingly inside every time mathguy posts...

  7. #82
    Registered Male (Not Verified)
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    Great.. I thought it was my internet or PC... UGH!!! So how do get verified on here??? Is it the same as ECCIE as in just post reviews??

  8. #83
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  9. #84
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Precious_b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MaddMaddie View Post
    I think it may be down for good but I hope not
    Nice followup to MG post, LOL!

    Quote Originally Posted by B Three View Post
    I get all tingly inside every time mathguy posts...

    I knew one of y'alls Ladies was going to get moist over that response ;)
    Will always PM from this or the other site as initial contact.

    My Huckleberry

  10. #85
    Verified Hobbyist BCD squiretuck's Avatar
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    To all; I just tried again at 5pm CST 12/20; I got an "I am over 21 acknowldge page", then I was forwarded to
    Last edited by squiretuck; 12-20-2018 at 05:59 PM. Reason: referenced eccie

  11. #86
    Verified Hobbyist BCD chairspud's Avatar
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    Yea when I tried went straight to Adult Search.
    Never enough SEX, Never enough MONEY!

  12. #87
    Verified Hobbyist BCD risn2theoccasion2's Avatar
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    Yeah. Interesting.
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  13. #88
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Loxly's Avatar
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    When a website puts up a "redirect" it could be to anywhere. Would have been nice if the redirect was to OH2 (maybe).
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  14. #89
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
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    I'm tired so excuse my directness.

    This site is not secure, and no, it wouldn't be hard to find the owner, or most of the users of this site, and the location of the server is irrelevant.

    These won't look familiar to most, but some of the admins will likely recognize them.


    That's an (extremely) short list of info I pulled in a few minutes, and that shouldn't be the case. The DNS records are easy to expose as the site isn't setup to properly prevent zone transfers. That info along with a quick vulnerability assessment and I can think of at least 3 different way this site could be compromised by a low grade hacker with too much free time. Considering that the U.S. Government employs people the likes of Edward Snowden...

    - Learn to use a VPN or TOR (math post a small guide about VPN's and all that stuff, you should all probably go read it.)

    - Whatever algorithm is being used to stop spammers/jammers that unfortunately seems to prevent TOR & VPN's from being used as well should probably be looked into.

    - Stop using unsecured mail (Gmail, Yahoo, etc.) to conduct business, especially if you're asking for more than just references. They keep records as well as work with law enforcement. Use secure mail (Protonmail is probably the best option for most.)

    It's pretty obvious that users are migrating to this site, which means it's going to attract more attention sooner or later. But I'm just some random person on the Internet, what do I know

  15. #90
    Verified Companion Companion Kitty bunny fuck's Avatar
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    Oh _desta ❤️

    Thanks for the input my friend ❤️

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