I'm sure I'll make another thread soon, busy getting ready for my departure. And Brazilian women are hawttt. Maybe you can mother them. I like coed for many different threads, and I'll continue to be me always and turn heads in every city I go to. Sexy Jess doesn't need to turn her phone off, or off subject water therapy. (I may try it one day still). I think she has a very good hobby thread with a great coed discussion point. And everyone is replaceable. The hobby was here before we were born. Will always be.

I'll always be "team real woman". And I'll always be grateful for my blessings. I'll always be a happy person with regular issues. I hope you have a beautiful and successful weekend, you and Jess are beautiful women and you both deserve great treatment.

I don't come up with a solution, I allow venting and offer a shoulder. I am also in hopes that some see where they can cross the line.

I'm not here to be hurt or fight. To much energy. Much less energy to show support. And if you can come up with a coed discussion I'll respectfully give my opinion. This board is absolutely what that is for. We don't need mother's or solutions many times, just understanding. God bless you Jess and SG.