Hey guys, Peachysexy here. I don't normally post or pry, but since discovering the reality of my life within the past few months, I suppose it's time I received answers. Not only do I need answers, but every honest hobbyist and INDEPENDENT provider should be aware of what's behind the scenes as well.

Not too long ago, maybe about a few months prior, I noticed a lot of hoopla, lol for my SpongeBob fanatics, going on between a suspected pimp with a platform rivaling this lovely place where everyone should be free to call home. Well, everyone except managers/ pimps, that is. It's also been brought to my attention that those, the providers, involved with that said individual have been revoked certain privileges. Again, no argument there. Women aren't allowed "mandles" so men shouldn't be allowed "compandles" lol, my new made up word. Especially men who are suspected to be a pimp.

But where does it end? Is this rule applied for every suspected and proven pimp? We all know that it's a high possibility, with some being rightfully exposed, of other managers/ pimps utilizing this safe place. I know of one personally. Check out my Twitter. So, if a lady was to expose those individuals, would her word be taken seriously as well? Would those individuals be revoked certain privileges?

I'm just a little concerned. Because, yes, I agree that individuals like that should have no place in the areas where legitimate INDEPENDENT ladies share information about our safety. Because How safe are we if pimps are allowed to disguise themselves using ?compandles?? The administration has proven to understand that.

But who else is around with a "compandle" *giggles*? Who else is being misled by individuals that are taking advantage of ladies? Does this rule only apply to certain people? Honest hobbyist and INDEPENDENT providers aren?t dumb and can spot a managed account/ ad easily. It?s been proven already on this site. And ofc admin has the power to spot it easily. However, I?m sure that admin have tons of other issues to worry about so noticing every unusual account maybe a bit of a challenge.

Well I?m here to sound the alarm. There are other pimps with compandles that are threatening the safety of real INDEPENDENT providers.