Come experience a calm, sensual escape from the day-to-day.

I am Sophie Love, a women that embodies a lovely blend of sensual energy, grounded presence and a playful spirit.

With a warm and welcoming energy, I am a woman that is attentive, engaging and takes a gentle lead during our time together.
Life is so rushed, come slow down with me and find some balance again.

Available this Sat & Sun, 4pm-9pm.
Please reach out with at least 2 hours notice and ready to screen if you want to meet same day!
$500/hr. Incall

INCALL: Las Colinas Area

TEXT only.
➡️So I don't miss your serious inquiry:
Introduce yourself with your name and the Day/Time/Length you are requesting to book.

I do not answer explicit texts.
SCREENING is Required:
DL or Linkedin required and a deposit (cashapp)to reserve your time with me.


