Was born in 68, started in 87 and haven't stopped. In 1993-4 or so was with an 80+ lady in the RLD of Amsterdam so guess that makes her one of the 1910's. The 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's were all hit very quickly due to starting so young.

Nowadays it is mainly the other end of the spectrum, the ' old lady fantasy' still applies just do it less as I aged and Granny either died or the age gap has narrowed as I age.

Since 90% of my sessions are abroad now in Germany I have to go out of my way to find a girl who was born before 1980-1985 as most are born 1985-2003 or so w the majority of those rooms being girls born in the 1990-2003 range. If I can keep it going 8 more years to 2030 will easily hit the 2010+ girls, 2020+ likely to hit but 2030+ might be a push.

For you guys seeking out the 2K-2010 girls simply travel abroad. It will be the reverse of here; here you have to look for girls 19-25 very hard while 30/40+ falling in our laps more often than not but w that passport it flips. They all bring their sisters, daughters, nieces, cousins and so on to work the money is so good so not uncommon to find a German/Dutch/Swiss guy for example who fucks that 19 year old today but also fucked her older sister and cousins ( VERY common) as well as the girls mother even Grandma.

Thanks for the thought provoking thread; the OP just got a 20 year old Bulgarian a booking via What's App ( also needed in tandem w passport) for October 26 at 14:00 hours in Duisburg, NRW, Germany ! Cost will be $38.54 ( with a 25% tip) based on today's exchange rate. Maybe I will book her w her cousin in a double pay $80 w tip. Passport Mongering is the only way to go ! Have fun all. For you young guys, put it all in Excel so you can track all your data and total rooms, costs, location, age, color, size, length of room and so on back to the day you started ! And don't forget those Arabic girls; the 8th wonder of the Modern World.