Quote Originally Posted by AlexandraSand View Post
I am putting cash in my retirement accounts and buying stocks.
I also invest in human connection and friend-base building activities. Like - having a beer with a friend at the river.
I am investing in tinkering with my education and happy to brag about me being again a full time student, working on my 3rd degree and 3rd certification program, thank you very much.

I will have to do some upgrades to my bicycle. Tire rubber got used up a bit. LOL
My favorite investment and activity is taking my car to scheduled service appointments. I ride in gorgeous car and take excellent care of my beast. Wroom! Wroom! Catch me if you can!
If you're not already, consider stashing some cash for real estate. There's a "Big Short" level bubble waiting to burst, that everyone is ignoring.😏😉😏