I made it known on the other board that recently came back up, that I will only be accepting appointments through other sites and not through there. So if any of you gentlemen wish to get ahold of me for an appointment you can send me a PM through here, or you can also send me an email @ www.totalysexxylady@gmail.com

You can also call my phone 504-515-0489 to talk to me in person.

I know some of you frequent both boards, and I will still have my showcase up and I will still be looking on there to see if there's any pertinent information that I need to be aware of pertaining to my safety or the safety of other ladies and gentlemen.

I also requested on the other site not to have anymore reviews as I have 129 and that is good enough on there to show that I am trustworthy, honest and I do my job to the best of my ability.

I just threw this out here for those of you who may frequent both boards so you would be able to read and see it because sometimes people don't look at my showcase before contacting me.

I work everyday, so whether you see that I have posted an ad or not you will see that I am still here and pretty much always available.

Thank you ladies and gentlemen for your understanding.
