So you know I was sitting here and all of a sudden it just hit me. whenever I post on here, that the majority of y'all, if any of you, know me in real life so how would you know anything about me my mannerisms the way that I talk or anything like that? You don't. Therefore I'm sure that some of the things that I've said have been taken out of context and that's nobody's fault but my own for not making sure I was clear about the way that I was intending for it to come across. So to anybody and everybody why disrespected in some way shape form or fashion. Especially those who I said fuck you and your degree. Because I did not mean it literally, but either way it was probably still disrespectful. So I genuinely apologize. How much should I talk on here, my intention is never to be disrespectful, or hurtful to anyone. Now I like to be Petty but I'm an empath. I feel other people's emotions and I don't got to be around you to feel like I can read and gets its energy it's crazy. But the point is I just want to say I apologize to anybody I disrespected or said something negative towards.

And on the side note. To the person who said something to the nature of if I stopped posting self alerting post then I would probably get more business from this site. If I self alerting you mean calling myself crazy or saying that y'all think I'm crazy. That's not self alerting, notice I said y'all think that I am crazy. But you can call it what you want. But if somebody didn't want to see me because of something I posted then I don't want to see them either, because I'm exactly the same in real life. And I know for a fact but if I met any of you in real life, you would we eating every single negative word that you ever said to or about me. I still stand on every single thing that I said besides the stuff that was disrespectful or insensitive. Like I tell you all the time I don't care what anyone on here thinks about me in any way whatsoever, but I'm not a mean or hurtful or hateful or disrespectful person at least never intentionally so that's why I'm choosing to apologize publicly. I'm amazing, I'd bet money on it that if you gave me 30 minutes to an hour with any of y'all, Not only would you have it completely different view on the person that I am, you probably have learned something, as well as laughed your ass off the whole time. Anyway now I'm rambling [Staff edit. M] LOL. Anyway hope everyone's having a great night